New 'Loser' would like some friends ;)

I've recently started losing weigh 'again', hopefully for the last time! I always seem to completely fail/give up, so I'm really looking for some encouragement and in return I'll provide the same! For example, my other half is away this weekend and I nearly had a short term pleasure eating moment/long term regret. then I watched a video of myself singing, and I felt like I would never eat again lol.. So, I'm thankful I managed to avoid that temptation!! Kat x


  • silkkat50
    silkkat50 Posts: 38 Member
    Really? Not a single person??? :(
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    Happy if you want to add me x
  • I too go back and forth and 'fail'. I think the era of failure is over. Over the summer we did lots of physical activities and I was super bummed when I was too out of shape to keep up with the rest of the group. I want to lose weight to not only feel better about myself, but also get back to doing the things I enjoy. Sigh. Weight loss is so hard, but having a group of people to support you can't hurt :) Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • I have told myself this is the last time I am losing weight. So I will not fail this time. Ad me if you would like to.
  • kevinkidder
    kevinkidder Posts: 7 Member
    I too have struggled all too often with my weight. In the past decade I have bounced between 170 and 225 lbs, with my ideal weight being lower than 170. I am hoping that this is the last time I have to make the weight go away and I can just keep it off by living a healthier lifestyle and making better daily choices. I am always happy have new friends to encourage and be encouraged by along the way!
  • LuvlyNwicked
    LuvlyNwicked Posts: 6 Member
    Sounds like me......but 2013 is gonna be my year! Keeping focused until I reach my goal this time. Add me, we can keep each other on track! ;) In fact, anyone else needing more motivation friends add me too.
  • It is a daily struggle! I can definately relate! You can add me if you'd like :) and Good luck you got this!
  • maryannelk
    maryannelk Posts: 707 Member
    What they all said...
    Feel free to add me!
  • I'm new to MFP and would like some friends for encouragement too! You can add me!
  • Feel free to add! :)
  • I only joined yesterday with the encourage of my daughter and was horrified when we did the tape measurements!! I have been shovelling snow today for my exercise. All friends would be welcome and all advice accepted gratefully x