eating the same things every day

I can only see myself sticking to this thing if I plan out my day meals (i.e not dinner) and pretty much eat the same things each day.

So long as its balanced, is this harmful?

I'm thinking, based on the past few weeks and what's been manageable for me:

BREAKFAST oatmeal (1.5oz), 1/2c lactose-free milk (low fat), medium banana

LUNCH peanut butter on 2 slices wholegrain bread, 1 medium apple, 1 medium kiwifruit w/o skin

SNACKS rice crackers (1 oz), edam cheese (1oz), 1/2c milk same as above

Dinner would vary from day to day but is balanced with veges and a small serving of meat and either baked or roasted potatos or rice


  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    My breakfast and lunch are always the same.(I vary diff. cereal and type of lunch meat) Been doing it for almost a year and it works for me.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    If it works than keep doing it! I just think you will get board so make sure you are mixing it up a little. Warm weather is coming so there will be a lot of fresh fruits and veggies out there.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I dont see anything wrong with long as you are eating enough calories

    Always do what works best for you....makes you stick to your eating habit better when you are happy

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I don't know if it's really harmful but I would think that if you eat the same thing every day your body will be missing out on the variety of nutrients it needs. And you will become bored with your food much quicker and be more likely to splurge on things you don't need. I do have a few things that I eat often but have found that mixing it up does help keep me on track. Variety is the spice of life.
  • mythicals
    mythicals Posts: 70
    I always eat the same breakfast and lunch.
    If it's working well for you, I don't see a problem with that as long as you're getting enough nutrients.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I do the same with breakfast and lunch. Since I eat both at my office, I have oatmeal in my desk for breakfast. I also buy lunch at the cafeteria so I either have a salad with my own dressing (much better than the mystery calorie dressing they have) or a garden veggie burger with a slice of cheese. If the entree they are serving is low calorie, I might have that. So far, I've been fine with the same daily routine. I mix up dinner, and I have a selection of snacks in my desk too :D
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    I have "automated" my breakfast & lunch, too. Not having to think about these two meals makes it easier to plan more creativity around my snacks and dinner. Like tiffanyweber, I vary my lunch meats and I have two standard breakfasts that I swap off. I do eat a variety of fruits and nuts for my snacks, never the same thing two days in a row. What works for you is, of course, the best thing.
  • debfitz
    debfitz Posts: 2
    What I love about this plan is that you can literally eat anything that you want but just need to stay under your daily calories. I would feel that you are missing the point if you ate the same thing every day. The food log on this site is better than any I have seen and makes tracking food so easy. I have yet to find a food not on here. As a life long dieter, I will tell you that if you eat the same thing everyday you will not stick to this. Make smart food choices but mix it up to keep it fresh! I have lost 9 pounds since starting on March 1 and I don't feel like I am deprived at all! If I want a piece of cake, I have a little and just eat less the rest of the day. I can stick to this forever. Loving it!
  • vinjama
    vinjama Posts: 52
    don't look like you're getting enough protein in that diet. I don't know if you work out, but regardless you want to have a portion of protein with each meal. It's really important.

    But other than that, I too pretty much stick to some of the same foods throughout the week but just find different ways to eat them. Like oatmeal.. I always have a 1/2 cup of oatmeal each morning with a banana and a portion of some other fruit. I recently started dropping in a tablespoon of chunky peanut butter and .25 cup of skim milk. Yea, its great.

    I think the further you expand your nutritional options the more you'll find other foods that you enjoy and find creative ways to make them work.

    Although one pretty awesome benefit of eating a repetitious diet all week is that when you have your splurge meal, it makes it so damn worth it. :)
  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    don't look like you're getting enough protein in that diet. I don't know if you work out, but regardless you want to have a portion of protein with each meal. It's really important.

    I'm not sure how you're concluding that?
    That example, along with a approx 4oz portion of lean beef or chicken at dinnertime, is 55-60g protein.
    There is protein with each meal - from the milk with the oatmeal, from the peanut butter and the bread, and the cheese and milk, and then the meat at dinner.

    ETA: I've plugged it into my diary for Monday 26th April as an example so you can see.

    I should clarify my intentions here:
    I'm figuring out of this is feasible for the sake of simplicity. I start work at 6am, so eat breakfast and lunch at work. I have a fridge, but other than that, have to bring food from home. So no reheating/cooking lunch. I bring the oatmeal in an insulated bowl as I often eat it on the way. It's not because I don't like anything else, or because I think I have to limit myself. It's just easier, iygwim.
    I've been mixing it up day to day for the last 6 months, and its gotten me next to nowhere. The small amount of weight I've lost I lost back in February when I unintentionally did just this, which is what got me thinking.

    Dinners, and to some degree weekends as well, I have mucho variety (although it usually always ends up being basically the same structure, it's always something different-seeming :wink: )

    Does that make sense?
  • rpoz06
    rpoz06 Posts: 1
    I'm in the same situation, I tend to eat similar items for lunch every day but so far it works for me. I think my biggest hurdle has been lunch because its an at work meal and most of time in the past that has been my problem, going for what is quick/easy and tasty tends to be junk food.
    So I say stay with it if it works and slowly adjust things around once you get closer to your goal.