Muscle Fatigue and Leg Soreness...Why????

asiamj Posts: 4 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello All,

I recently got back on my bike about 4.5 months ago....I love it!! And this is about the same period I started a low calorie diet. Thus, far I’ve lost about 40 lbs or about 2.2 lbs per week. I eat a lot of protein (fish, steak, fruits, etc.) except for lunch (salads mostly) and not too much carbs. I consume about 1600 calories per day and burn about 700+ per day exercising which mostly consist of bike riding and the (moderate walking) treadmill. I weigh about 175 lbs and 5'6" in height.

I am usually riding about the same distance and intensity, however, I notice that I am experiencing muscle fatigue and/or soreness on my thigh/leg areas. I also notice that I use to ride on the highest gear and now that’s getting too difficult for me and I now have to reduce to lower gears. It just seems that after 3.5 months of riding I should improve my leg muscles, so why am I experiencing muscle fatigue? And, soreness on my thigh/leg areas?

I’d appreciate your comments. Thank you.


  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I can't speak the why's of the soreness and fatigue, I can only give one some Glucosamine with MSM pills and start taking them. Glucosamine helps lubricate joints and MSM helps rebuild muscles. I buy it at Target and for about $13 I get a big bottle of it...great stuff.
  • ClareRce
    ClareRce Posts: 79
    No answer I'm afraid, but I'm experiencing the same thing after being back on my bike for about two months after a broken leg. I will be very interested in the answers.
  • If the ride you are taking is a difficult one you may be overworking your muscles, to burn that many calories sounds to me like your going for a while during each session, try switching your exercise routine up, dont do the exact same thing every day, also if your riding your bike everyday and it is on the intense side of things you may not be allowing your muscles to regrow/heal , so if you continue without giving your muscles a chance to heal you will get the reverse effect , muscle deteriation.

    with 1600 calorie intake and 700+ burned in exersice your ending up with about 900 calories a day, i would try increaseing your calorie intake a little , and take a day or two off a week from the bike
  • tavander
    tavander Posts: 79 Member
    How many miles and for how long in time are you riding? Every day? It could be a matter of not properly refueling your body before, during and after exercise. Are you taking any muscle recovery supplements? Glutamine and a electrolyte type beverages is what I use. Are you stretching well before and after? I know that is key for me too.
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,385 Member
    with 1600 calorie intake and 700+ burned in exersice your ending up with about 900 calories a day, i would try increaseing your calorie intake a little , and take a day or two off a week from the bike
    I'm no authority but I agree. I've always read 1200 calories is the minimum you should be at each day. With your intake and exercise it sure looks like you're below that. You could try bumping your calories a bit and then do heavy and light days to allow for more recovery time for your legs.

    I take something for joint health and stretch my calves and that seems to do the trick for me.
  • vsantos
    vsantos Posts: 1
    I'm new here, but I ride frequently. I would make sure your bike is fitted for you properly. And get a good seat as well (and bike shorts help as well). You might say that you were riding this same bike a few months ago with no problem, and now all of a sudden you are feeling it, so it can't be the bike. Since you have lost weight I'm sure your body geometry has changed a bit. Incorrect bike fitment (which could mean adjusting the seat or the handlebars) could cause certain muscles to be working more than they were before.

    Please take no offense to this, I'm just trying to give an example. Say you lost some weight around your gluteus muscles (butt area), your hips may now be closer to the pedals, which may not allow you to properly extend your leg when you are pedaling.

    This might be ridiculous, but I enjoy riding so much, I just want to share the enthusiasm. And when you have a nice bike that is the correct size for you, you'll enjoy it that much more. I don't want anyone to be discouraged from riding a bike.

    Oh and congrats on being healthy!!! :happy:
  • asiamj
    asiamj Posts: 4 Member
    First of all..I like to thank everyone for your comments...I find them very helpful.

    tavander: I ride (2) times per day when weather permits, once in the morning and once in the evening. Each ride is about 45-50 mins. It's not a difficult ride..mostly flat. I do this almost everyday, unless the weather is not cooperating then I use the treadmill (2) times per days for 30-35 mins each time. I am not refueling since I wake up around 7am, and am out the doorl. When I get back that's when I have some FiberOne Cereal w/o milk and lots of water. I am not taking any muscle recovery supplements are anything else.

    suiciedchild: Good point. I'll give my legs a 1 day break and see how that goes.

    deckerp: You're properly right, most are saying my calorie intake is on the low side..but I am trying to lose weight too.

    vsantos: I am glad you enjoy riding..I really do. I will follow your advice and get fitted for the bike again.
  • tavander
    tavander Posts: 79 Member
    If you are interested, here are the supplements I use when I'm cycling a lot (or exercising a lot in general).

    Glutamine - Hardly any calories at all, I buy it in a tasteless powder form. you just add it to 8 oz of liquid and drink it.

    Accelerade - protein/carb blend beverage in a variety of flavors (orange is my favorite), about 210 cals per serving but it is absolutely worth the calories for the benefits in performance in my opinion. Can be used during workout for refueling or after for recovery. Mixes easily with water.

    AST Sports Science VP2 Whey Protein Isolate - Similar to Accelerade but is higher protein/low carb, I use fruit punch flavor and it is about 100 cals per serving. Mixes easily with water.

    I used these extensively when I was training for a 204 mile endurance bicycle event. I found excellent results using these and so continue to use them as needed on harder training days.
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