
Hi all, i've got a horrible feeling that i'm not doing this right!! i'm into week 3 and i've been extra good this week but i weighed in this morning and haven't lost anything...weight or inches! i feel really upset about it. i am going to carry on and just hope its a good loss next week. :cry: :cry: :cry:


  • army2299703
    Just keep a positive attitude and keep going.we can't all loose lbs or inches every since week.i'm sure you'll do fine next week :)
  • MelissaLu
    MelissaLu Posts: 83
    I'm having the same exact problem and I'm four weeks in. But I'm doing what army said and just sticking it through, hopefully it budges. I want patience and I want it NOW! >_o
  • keshmo88
    keshmo88 Posts: 8
    Hi Jugsy,

    How many calories are you consuming per day? What do you eat in a typical day? If nothing has changed in 3 weeks then I don't think there's enough calorie deficit for you to be losing weight. Are you exercising?

    I know how frustrating that is, I hadn't lost anything for 2 weeks, but then I realised it was bceause I wasn't exercising, and I've upped that, and lost a kilo over the last week so cheer up we can fix it :)

  • stephlake
    stephlake Posts: 105 Member
    I started working out and decreasing my food intake about 7 weeks ago. For the first 3-4 weeks I lost nothing. Not a pound! I was so frustrated. I added water to my day and bought me a nifty digital scale and began to see the ounces come off. Ounces turned to pounds and now I am averaging 2lbs a week.

    I think the water made a difference for me. But I also found that being HONEST with myself in my food log has made a difference too. Calories and Fat add up so quickly.
    Also I do not use the exercise calories that are added into my day. If I rewarded myself everytime I exercised with more food then I would never lose weight.

    Good luck!
  • jugsy
    jugsy Posts: 31 Member
    Thanx for everyone's comments. i'm on 1330 cals a day, i exercise everyday at least 45mins mostly cardio. i drink water all day except for the odd coffee i find that i'm so paranoid about logging my cals to few that i probably over estimate each food so i'm sure i won't go over...maybe this is the problem , maybe i'm not eating enough!! drinking water all day fills you up so i find i'm never really that hungry. Anyone think this could be the problem?? x
  • jugsy
    jugsy Posts: 31 Member
    oh, and i try not to eat my exercise cals either or if i do only half of them! x
  • jugsy
    jugsy Posts: 31 Member
    Me too hun!! Anice dose of patience would be good i think. What cals etc are you on? x
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    From my experience, I would say you aren't eating enough. Are you logging in your exercise? Eating your exercise calories? How is your sodium intake? How much water are you drinking. For me, I was not eating enough, then I upped my calories (I was scared to death to do this too!) and the weight just started coming off after a week or so.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Eat at least 1200 plus your exercise cals. Try it for a week or 2 and see if it makes a difference. Also, make sure to drink all of your water and get enough sleep. Hang in there. It's a process and takes some time.