Recomendations on which to start insanity turbo Jam ect.???

I cant run because of my MS and balance issues so I would like to try something to really get my heart rate up. I am scared I may be to heavy and out of shape for all of these intense cardio workouts but am willing to give it a try!! So which do you think I should do being 5'5 and 255? Also it is hard for me with the MS because one of the problems with MS is when I get overheated my legs just stop working and I get so discouraged. I usually fight though it if I have a goal like to finish my 30 to 60 min on teadmill. My husband hears me stumbling around and yells at me but I keep going. I just cant walk after for a while!


  • MaximizedGains
    Squats > all.
  • mustangmama3
    mustangmama3 Posts: 173 Member
    Hey,, Dont do any of those videos yet!! Ive done Insanity twice..... If your not used to intense cardio, prep your body with something easier first.... I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and Ripped in 30... Before Insanity... it preped me for Insanity.
  • dar8600
    dar8600 Posts: 11 Member

    I started out at 302 lbs in March of 2012 and used the Power 90 program as a jump off point. They have cardio and strength training workouts and it was effective for me. I hate to run so when I was not doing the Power 90 I was on the Tony Little Gazelle Freestyle. For people like me with sore knees, its just the ticket. From there I have done P90X and now I am doing the Combat program. The important thing is to start slow and work up to it. P90X would have killed me if I tried it at 302. Take your time and build up your endurance so you don't get hurt and you can be successful. There is no need to rush.... its a journey not a sprint. Hope that helps!!

    Take care, Dan
  • Dianak005
    Dianak005 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks Dan it does help! I have a gazelle and its sitting in the garage. I will have to give that a try again. Kids wont let me use it they bug me to try! Mustangmama I was going to try those first after reading alot of people do (even ones who are really fit). So can you tell me the difference between the ripped in 30 and the 30 day shred I noticed that the shred was older and the ripped in 30 seems to follow the same routine and includes access to a diet plan. So are they pretty much the same and which would you get. I also have the biggest loser game for the Kinect on xbox and have not tried it yet.