Gaining Weight

I have gained 5 lbs over the last 2 weeks and really don't know why. I am still exercising and eating correctly. I feel tighter in all areas than I ever have. So I am hoping this is muscle weight. I am still fitting in my clothes and do see more toning of muscles.

What do you think? Getting discouraged when I step on the scale. Only change I can think of that I have made is I haven't been drinking tons of water. I am going to get back on the water today to see if that helps. I was so close to my goal of 185 and now I am 6 pounds away again.


  • Bearsy08
    Bearsy08 Posts: 16
    Most likely it is muscle weight, it does weigh more than fat. Don't get discouraged because most likely you will drop weight now you usually start to build the muscle first before you lose the fat. That muscle is going to help burn the fat.
  • Jellybean1970
    Jellybean1970 Posts: 12 Member
    I am close to my goal now too. And I have started jogging. The scale didn't move for a long time and I was so frustrated and said everyday, "what is the use". But a little voice in my head said "keep going, you know its muscle". So I persevered and now the scale is moving again and I can see the difference in my clothes and the mirror. It is so hard to look past that stupid scale. But I am a slave to it.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Sometimes I find it good to switch things around for awhile to kick start myself when I stall. Eat lunch for breakfast and try completely new foods. I have a tenancy to eat the same old foods that work for me every day and then I stall. Plus some times going up or down a hundred calories for a few days kicks it back in for me. Good luck, your doing great.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    This might have pertenance to you.

    "The other thing to keep in mind when you're using the bathroom scale is that when you first start limiting your calories, your body is going to start burning through its glycogen stores. Glycogen is basically a fuel stored in your body. It stores sugars together with water and locks them up in the tissues and organs of your body like an energy battery, ready for you to use at a future time.
    There's water locked in with those calories. That water weighs a lot. So when you start restricting your calories, the first thing your body burns is this extra storage of energy, this extra glycogen. And the glycogen causes you, as it's burned, to shed water. You might look at the scale and think, gee, I lost 5 lbs, but you really lost no body fat whatsoever. It was just water, because your body released glycogen. What usually happens to people when their glycogen store has reached zero is they get really hungry, they think they're in a starvation panic, and then they overeat. Their glycogen stores fill right back up, they gain the 5 lbs back, and usually they overate to such an extent that they store another half a pound of body fat or so. Now they're half a pound heavier than when they began and they lost no body fat whatsoever. It was just a game of glycogen and water storage they saw reflected on the bathroom scale. "

    The full article is at

    Great job on your weight loss and getting to your goals.
  • brownchristian
    brownchristian Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I have no intention of giving up cause I am definitely seeing results. I took my Body Fat % last week and I am down from 29 - 18 % which I know isn't great but it is a huge change. Gonna drink water like a camel and see if that helps.
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270

    What type of training are you doing? If you're doing lots of weights then I suggest cutting down and slotting in some extra cardio on top of what you are doing, or maybe something a little different, have you tried boxing? Most gyms do it now and it's a great way to tone up.
  • SweetCharity
    Ok people, you gotta stop being a slave to your scale! Your scale will not tell you "this is muscle, not fat" your scale will not tel you "you're just bloated right now". Your scale, in fact hates you and will make you miserable any chance it gets. The better indicators are: how you feel, how you look, how your clothes fit. Or if you MUST see a number, use a tape measure. It's a much truer indication of what's going on. I personaly have been three different dress sizes all at the same weight on the scale. Your weight does not equal how small you've gotten. Ignore that stupid scale!
  • brownchristian
    brownchristian Posts: 58 Member

    What type of training are you doing? If you're doing lots of weights then I suggest cutting down and slotting in some extra cardio on top of what you are doing, or maybe something a little different, have you tried boxing? Most gyms do it now and it's a great way to tone up.

    My training includes 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of weight training 4 - 5 days a week. Definitely getting the cardio in.