
Does anyone have one? Any healthy recipes that you like to make? I'd love to find some new recipes!


  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I have one but mostly I use it to dehydrated stuff from the garden that I want to use later or for my son's backpacking trips. I dehydrate leftover dinner food and package it up for him so he can just add boiling water to it on the trail. It's made his Boy Scout excursions so much easier since he's gluten free and his troop isn't. :) Sometimes we'll make fruit leather or soak nuts in salt water and dry those but mostly it's the first two things. I'll be interested to see what people are doing with their dehydrators in this thread. Maybe I'll learn something. :)
  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member
    Sweet potatoes

    Any of the above season with Olive Oil or Coconut Oil with Sea Salt
  • XxgilmoxX
    At these moments....I wish my Uncle was here to tell you what he would do....
  • jinxypinxy
    jinxypinxy Posts: 44 Member
    Can you just eat dehydrated carrots? You don't have to re hydrate them before you eat them?
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Beef jerkey--get the butcher to slice a roast very thin, then cut in strips, coat with a seasoning salt and let sit overnight, then put in dehydrator until crisp.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    Apples, bananas, any kind of fruit really. Just be prepared that they won't be "crispy" like in the stores, those are actually baked. Dehydrayed fruit from home is kind of chewy. Sliced apples dipped in lemon (to preserve color) with a little cinnamon is pretty good.

    Homemade beef jerky is amazing. We do venison all the time.

    I do stuff from the garden. If I get a plethora of herbs, I dehydrate and grind them, and keep them in jars.

    You can also make your own fruit leather. I haven't done it but I heard it's really good.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Homemade fruit leather is the BOMB.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Oh the fruit reminded me that every year when our apple tree produces we dehydrate apples. Some of them I do plain and some I toss in a cinnamon sugar mixture and dehydrate that way. We love snacking on them! They're also good broken into little pieces and put into oatmeal, pancakes, muffins, trail mix, etc.

    If you backpack at all though the dehydrator is your best friend! I made bacon and chicken alfredo with quinoa for dinner one night and dehydrated some of the leftovers. He took it in a baggie on his hike and stirred it into boiling water, covered and let it sit for 15 minutes. While the rest of his scout troop was having canned chili, my son was eating that. He had several of them commenting that they wished they were eating what he was. Our power goes out a lot so having dehydrated food on hand is convenient for that too.

    Oh and you can make raw crackers with your dehydrator too! You'll have to google recipes for those because I haven't done them in awhile but if you use flax or chia with a little liquid and spices you can make crackers out of it.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    funny, I actually just bought one yesterday.

    So far I've done:

    Kale : then made a powder I now throw in my shakes
    Apples, bananas, kiwi, pears,
    lemons: powdered them to throw in water.

    Tofu: made the best tasting jerky that even tofu haters love.

    Just be careful how much you eat... 1 cup of dehydrated fruit is a LOT more calories than 1 cup of raw fruit.