What an uproar!!

So appologies for any offence caused, The diet I am currently on is being promoted by radio and others here and is recieving quite a positive response. There is currently a Fad of people using it at the moment. I was unaware of the restriction on MFP and will keep my thoughts regarding this to myself from now on.


  • Controversial
    Controversial Posts: 157 Member
    Well, as introductions go, this is at least interesting.

    What was your name again?
  • EmilyGetsSkinny95
    EmilyGetsSkinny95 Posts: 54 Member
    Dude, you should not have been bashed like that for simply seeking support from like-minded people.
    It's one thing when people have a different opinion and vocalize it out of concern.
    It's quite another to have an all-out bashing party.
    I know some people were not being intentionally unkind, but others were, and am sorry that you got such an angry response from a well-intentioned, harmless post.
    If you were pushing others to do the diet, I would maybe have seen the reason behind their outbursts, but you weren't. You were seeking support from people who are ALREADY on the diet!
    Good luck with your weight loss journey, and kudos for doing what you believe to be the best thing for your health.
  • Hay thanks, Im sure it was the content of my post they were bashing rather than me personally. Thanks for the kind words, and for getting my intentions, much appreciated