Am I eating bad??

I eat cereal/oatmeal every morning, a healthy choice meal for lunch and my choice for supper (tonight was subway)....then I look at everyone elses diarys and it makes mine look terrible!! Is mine that bad?


  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    Your meals sound fine. Maybe instead of the Healthy Choice meal, you could switch it up to something a little healthier and less processed. Maybe a sandwich with some cut-up veggies and fruit?
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    I go with the sandwich plus veggies for lunch, and then usually some sort of meat + steamed veggies for dinner. About two or three times a week dinner is something a bit more fun.

    Preparing your own food is kinda annoying but you will probably find it a lot easier to be healthy (and WAY less processed) than store bought meals, and fast food like Subway (though admittedly Subway is the good end of the fast food array, and I have definitely had it for lunch a couple of times).

    But what you're doing really doesn't sound bad. And if you see results then you shouldn't be too worried!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Other than the oatmeal, you haven't said what you actually eat, so it's hard to give you any advice. The oatmeals a good start to the day, adding a protein and some fat would be better imo.
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    I eat a similar sort of foods. Cottage cheese & a banana for breakfast, a smart ones/lean cuisine/weight watchers meal for lunch, baled chips or fruit for a snack during afternoon, and a sensible dinner, sometimes a subway hoagie (one of the healthy choice ones). I know that the provessed,forzen meals like Smart Ones, Weight Watchers,or Lean cuisine, are high in sodium ,etc, but I am way too busy and short on time to prepapre all of my meals and keep them healthy. I look at it this way, a frozen healthy choice meal at 300 calories, or the typical big mac value meal (large size)that got me into this mess. I will take my chances on the 300 calorie frozen meal, it still is a much healthier option. Still, mix in fresh veggies,salads,etc when you can, mix it up and give yourself a variety
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    I don't think what your eating is bad at all but this meal for example, is more processed. Sometimes 2 pieces of bacon and 2 egg whites, or a whole wheat english muffin with cheese, egg white and a piece of bacon are great alternatives and LESS tan 250cals!

    I find that I'm starving when I eat a frozen meal. I usually try to have cooked chicken, tuna (any kind of protein) and eat that paired with something. I find that soups even fill me up more because they are hot and I have to eat them slow. Not all are high in sodium and there are a lot out there that are less than 250 cals for the whole can!!

    You might even need to add healthy snacks into you mix to keep your blood sugar at a good level.

    From looking at just this one day, I would say up your protein and decrease your carbs a bit and see how you feel about it?

    You really are doing well though -- don't be so hard on yourself! Its good to look at others for ideas, but don't compare!!! :heart:
  • Greg3705
    Greg3705 Posts: 122 Member
    I am not a fan of your diet. Here are my reasons

    Lunch processed food. High sodium, not a lot of quantity for your buck

    Dinner Subway also high sodiun and their bread contains high fructose corn syrup.

    I try to cook a couple if times a week. I make large meals so that I can take it for lunch and also have it several days. I find by preplanning helps to make my schedule easier.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I eat cereal/oatmeal every morning, a healthy choice meal for lunch and my choice for supper (tonight was subway)....then I look at everyone elses diarys and it makes mine look terrible!! Is mine that bad?

    Your diary is locked. Are you eating seven to nine servings of fruit and veggies, three servings of reduced fat dairy a day, oily fish regularly, plenty of fibre/ mineral rich foods, keeping your sodium down to recommended levels and so on? You don't need to compare to other people's diets, compare to healthy eating guidelines that you know include all the nutrients your body needs for health.

    The best way to eat healthier is to prepare your own meals, get a slow cooker/ crock pot if you are pushed for time or lacking in confidence in the kitchen. A one pot meal can be put together in literally five minutes and the leftovers can be reheated just like a frozen meal.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I would suggest finding a diet that works for you, and stop looking at other people's diaries if doing so makes you feel bad. There is not one "right" way to eat. Some people prefer to eat as little processed food as possible, others don't care how processed it is. Some people want to eliminate meat, or eat a mostly plant-based diet others want to eat a lot of meat to get a high amount of protein. Some people want to eat as little sugar as possible and again, some people aren't bothered about sugar. You have to find what's important to you.

    For some people, the priority is getting the weight off, and they could either eat (what others might call) a "crap" diet, and not lose weight, or eat a "crap" diet and lose weight. It looks like you're just starting out, so it might help to just get a handle on calories and portion sizes etc, and as you go along, you will likely find things that you want to change. You might decide to cut down on the processed meals, and cook more for yourself. As others have said, in doing so you might find you are eating more nutritious, filling and tasty things for the same amount of calories.

    Also, don't forget that even if you want to make changes to your diet, it doesn't have to be overnight. Focus on one or two things at a time, until they become habit. I've seen a lot of people become really restrictive, only allow themselves to eat certain foods, and end up not lasting very long before they "fall off the wagon". If you're going to make changes, try to make changes that you can live with permanently.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Its hard to help if we cant see your diary. I do suspect your eating healthy but your sodium is too high. Those lean cuisine meals have a ton and so does subway. That right there will prevent you from losing weight.
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    My diet is not as good as some other peoples, but I am on week 3 and still learning and changing. My starting focus is eat less and move more. Its all about lots of little steps, and for most of us we want to lose weight and lose inches. Some of the recipes posted are also great to try. Dont beat yourself up, education is just one part of the whole process. good luck
  • merisantman3
    If you look at my diary you will find the same. A high fiber cereal two 35 cal peices of toast with 1/2 tablespoon of peanut butter. lunch are the Healthy choice meals asian inspired,carrots etc. and supper what ever I want as well and I have lost weight. But working out three to four times a week really helps.Keep up the good work:happy: