Ladies and do you get by?

I have the most pain menstrual cycles since day 1. I remember my grandma making me drink warm lemon teas to help ease the pain. It really didn't help much. I could never go to school my first 2days because I was in so much pain. Even now I cannot work or barely get out of bed for the pain. OTC medications work only after having taken so many. I've gone to the E.R. a few times for much stronger meds.but they only give enough for a few days. I'm heavy and have a lot of clotting but Dr.(e.r) says that's normal umm not sure about that.

Any ideas on what I can try to get through these 5-7days of pure PAIN, DISCOMFORT, HELL


  • eandrsmom
    eandrsmom Posts: 119
    What does you gyn have to say at your annual checkups? If you are seeing a gp and not a gyn I would change that. There are options depending on your causes, and there is no sense suffering if you don't have to! Good luck!!
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    What does you gyn have to say at your annual checkups? If you are seeing a gp and not a gyn I would change that. There are options depending on your causes, and there is no sense suffering if you don't have to! Good luck!!

    At annuals everything is fine..that's what they tell me. Need 2nd and 3rd opinions because this isn't normal. Not this much pain.
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    Used to have that problem before I went on the pill. Now my periods are much lighter and I only get cramps when I'm not moving around for long periods.
  • eandrsmom
    eandrsmom Posts: 119
    Definitely seek another opinion. There is nothing normal about not being able to get out of bed. So sorry!!! My gyn also specializes in reproductive issues and problems. Maybe look for someone like that in your area? Fwiw, I was in a similar, though not as severe, situation. Ended up getting a Mirena three years ago that changed my life. Not a 100% fan, but the good far outweighs the bad.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Used to have that problem before I went on the pill. Now my periods are much lighter and I only get cramps when I'm not moving around for long periods.

    So you suggest I try and move around more?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Mine are the same. Fetal position if I'm laying down, doubled over if I'm trying to walk. Heating pads just make me queasy. I take as much Pamprin and Ibprofen as I dare, usually having to double dose or more to even make a dent. Chug down Pepto when that makes me nauseous and then cry because I'm still nauseous and still in pain. No health insurance or money to see even a discount clinic.

    If anyone has any home remedies, I am all ears. You are not alone, OP.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Definitely seek another opinion. There is nothing normal about not being able to get out of bed. So sorry!!! My gyn also specializes in reproductive issues and problems. Maybe look for someone like that in your area? Fwiw, I was in a similar, though not as severe, situation. Ended up getting a Mirena three years ago that changed my life. Not a 100% fan, but the good far outweighs the bad.

    Mirena..never thought about that. Will read up on this. Thanks
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Mine have gotten much much much worse since I entered perimenopause. Now, the very first sign that it's on the way, I take four Aleve and a slow-release Iron pill. And continue, two Aleve every six hours and one iron pill each day. And the heating pad on my belly when I'm at home.

    I have found that Aleve is much more effective for my cramps than Advil. It surprised me actually. I made the discovery when my doc gave me a prescription for prescription-strength Aleve (which is really the equivilent of 4 OTC pills). It was eye-opening.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Mine are the same. Fetal position if I'm laying down, doubled over if I'm trying to walk. Heating pads just make me queasy. I take as much Pamprin and Ibprofen as I dare, usually having to double dose or more to even make a dent. Chug down Pepto when that makes me nauseous and then cry because I'm still nauseous and still in pain. No health insurance or money to see even a discount clinic.

    If anyone has any home remedies, I am all ears. You are not alone, OP.

    Pampering is a joke..mydol makes you bleed more and a combination of both makes you nauseous and still in pain. You are so right. Hopefully we get some good home remedies.
  • eandrsmom
    eandrsmom Posts: 119
    Light cardio may help now that I stop to think about it. Seems I used to drag myself to the elliptical, and I remember the first few minutes being nauseating, but always felt better after an hour. My periods changed dramatically with every kid I had. I am not suggesting childbirth as a remedy, but just telling you that it may not always be this way!!! :)
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Mine stopped after I had kids. Try having a baby (tongue-in-cheek joke here before I get bitten on) but seriously, mine stopped after I had kids :smile:
  • fluga
    fluga Posts: 2
    I had the same problem. It was so bad that for the past year, the pain felt as if I was in labor. I finally went to another OBGYN who was recommended by a friend and told him I did not want to take the pill - did not want any chemicals floating around in my body or any other procedures that might only temporarily fix the issue. Long story short, I had a laproscopic vaginal hysterectomy, only removing my uterus. It turned out that my uterus was attached to the back of my abdomen b/c of scar tissue (I've had 2 c-sections) and was extremely large. Hence the pain, clotting, heavy bleeding, etc.

    There are several options including the pill, Essure, endometrial ablation, etc that you may want to try before a hysterectomy. My advice would be to keep trying until you find a doctor who will listen to your concerns and give you options and a solution to your issues.

    Best of luck to you my dear!
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    I used to suffer quite badly, but it has been much, much better since I took up running. Not saying you need to get out the door and run, but even gentle exercise can help, maybe just walking? Might be worth a try anyway.

    Pain-wise I have never found any drug that helps, but chewing on 1/4 teaspoon of caraway seeds magics the cramping pain away within a few minutes. No idea how or why, but it works for me every time.
  • TheManda27
    TheManda27 Posts: 42 Member
    I would suggest looking into the mirena as well. A lot of women notice a big change after having the IUD in. You will have to give it some time to get settled and there are some side effects but it is worth looking into for sure!
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member

    There are several options including the pill, Essure, endometrial ablation, etc that you may want to try before a hysterectomy. My advice would be to keep trying until you find a doctor who will listen to your concerns and give you options and a solution to your issues.

    Best of luck to you my dear!

    Thank you
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Mine stopped after I had kids. Try having a baby (tongue-in-cheek joke here before I get bitten on) but seriously, mine stopped after I had kids :smile:

  • queens2014
    queens2014 Posts: 19 Member
    I also get really bad cramps...I'm usually bed ridden for the first day throwing up in the fetal position...not pretty. I used to take advil and gravol and it rarely did anything but they recently legalized ALEVE in Canada, it's Naproxen and I find it to be a miracle drug, take one or two as soon as you start to feel anything and drink a cup of tea (like a heating pad from the inside! gross? :P) It seriously works, I haven't had to resort to bed for months!
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    drink a cup of tea (like a heating pad from the inside! gross? :P) It seriously works, I haven't had to resort to bed for months!

    Tea and heating pad. Okay Thanks
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I also get really bad cramps...I'm usually bed ridden for the first day throwing up in the fetal position...not pretty. I used to take advil and gravol and it rarely did anything but they recently legalized ALEVE in Canada, it's Naproxen and I find it to be a miracle drug, take one or two as soon as you start to feel anything and drink a cup of tea (like a heating pad from the inside! gross? :P) It seriously works, I haven't had to resort to bed for months!

    Wow, it's been OTC in the states for about 10 years. I hated it when it first came out. I tried it for my sinus headaches and it did absolutely nothing. So I ignored it for years and years. Then a couple years ago, my doc prescribed it when I said my cramps were getting so much worse. It's wonderful!! Now I use it for everything.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    You know what feels really good? Get into a very hot shower. But lay down like you're taking a bath. Aim the shower spray right at your abdomen. It's like a mini-massage + moist heat all in one. It's very soothing.