Just a fatty looking to be healthy! lol

Hello all!
I am Kristina, a 39 year old woman who is about embark on a life changing journey...

A little about me.... I was diagnosed just recently with hypothyroidism and premature ovarian failure (menopause!). I started gaining weigh uncontrollably about 9 months ago. I never really had to exercise or watch what I ate before (though I tried to stay healthy) so having to now consciously make an effort is proving to be a little challenging. I am 6 feet tall and have always been curvy (meaning huge boobs with hips, tiny waist etc)... but as of late, I have developed a belly and what kids are calling these days, a badonkadonk. LOL! Ahhhh... kids.

Anywho, I am supposed to be in the prime of my life! I'm single and instead of dating and having fun, I am a hot flash, uncontrollably crying, pimple ridden, homicidal fatty. What has happened to me?! I used to be the life of the party! I used to be fun! Now, I am too embarrassed to go out anywhere, I sit by myself all weekend and make a quick entrance and exit from work as to not let any "outsiders" see me. The remarks from coworkers have been less than nice. I am tired of isolating, I am tired of my cat being my best friend (I love her though) and I am tired of not being able to wear my clothes! I am, in essence, 29 cats away from calling it a day...

So, here I am on MyFitnessPal looking to get a little support for this new excursion in this wonderful new year in which I turn the big 4-0 (in Sept). I want to start my next 40 years (God willing...) off right. I hope to make some friends here. A support system is really important for lasting success. I just ordered Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (should be here soon!) and I started a bone cleanse diet three days ago to restart and clean out my "innards". So far, so good. After all, this is the first day of the rest of my life.... ;o)


  • Bracciano
    Bracciano Posts: 85 Member
    Making me laugh is a good way to make friends. I'm really sorry to hear about your health problems as of late, but you're here for the same reason that I am here, to become healthy again and make friends, I can help you with both! Now don't fret, a lot of guys do like women who are uncontrollably cyring, pimple ridden and homicidal..especially one that takes care of her health. If I had more time right now I'd post more but I do have to run for the moment, but feel free to add me, you'll have a new friend!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    39 is a perfectly normal age to start perimenopause. Not premeture at all. My mom, sister and I all started at 37. I just can't wait for it to end. But don't let it make you feel abnormal or anything, anwhere between 35 and 55 is normal.
  • RevNimue
    RevNimue Posts: 66 Member
    Life changing in deed and a sister in height. I'm 30, have 2 kids and 6'0 tall myself. I'm also curvy like yourself and it wasn't until I had kids 8 and 5 and a half years ago that I had to watch what I ate otherwise just looking at my cravings I would literally gain weight. I'm not going through hotflashes however my hormones changed drastically with both my pregnancies. I'm more than happy to have friends of all shapes, sizes, heights, ethnic backgrounds and sexes. Feel free to add me and we can certainly motive each other to reach our personal goals. :-)
  • klund73
    klund73 Posts: 10
    No, doc says it's not normal. Not for my family history. And then add hypothyroidism on top of it... BAM! Social Life Killer! I was diagnosed with both at the same time... it's not fun for anyone having to go through this, 35 OR 55! Thanks for the words of encouragement!
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    Im 54 been doing this for a little over a year and have lost 80 pounds by counting calories and walking, treadmilling..
    I too have hypothyroidism and am post menopausal..my hypothyroidism is controlled by medication..my menopause symptoms are getting better over time..the hot flashes are better since Ive lost weight..the crying over little things gets better with time..
    Mfp does work..Ive set myself up to lose one pound a week..Im in no hurry and I find if I set my goals higher than that, I set myself up for failure..
    Hope this helps..good luck
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    No, doc says it's not normal. Not for my family history. And then add hypothyroidism on top of it... BAM! Social Life Killer! I was diagnosed with both at the same time... it's not fun for anyone having to go through this, 35 OR 55! Thanks for the words of encouragement!

    Oh it stinks, that's for sure. I've been dealing with it for 7 years so far. I'm sick of it. I'm 44 and I just want it to be over. I'm surprised that your doc is saying it's abnormal though. Almost all of my same-age peers started around age 38, 39, or 40. And everything I've read (because I am doing tons of research about it, to try to know ahead of time what to expect) says that the average starting time is around 45-50, but that anywhere from 35-55 is normal. So you're definitely on the younger end of it, but you aren't a rare case.

    And I know exactly what you mean about the belly. That is a typical symptom. You can actually Google-search "Menopause Belly" and it's a real thing.
  • crawjl06
    Well I wouldn't feel 2 bad about the weight gain. When your thyroid is out of wack it makes you gain weight. But I understand not wanting to go places because of gaining weight. I use to be very small and then I got married and had a baby and I did the same thing. I hated to go any place! especially places that new me when I was small. But I got to a point and decided that I wasn't going to feel that way anymore! I lost the weight and I felt great! I did end up getting pregnant right after I lost all that weight and that is why I joined MFP so that I can lose the baby weight that I gained. But you seem like you are on the right track! I would be happy to be your friend if you would like! Good luck on your journey!
  • runrockclimb
    I've watched my Mom struggling to loose since menopause. I am sorry to hear it's a struggle for you. You're attitude is wonderful though, humor is always good. If you Don't mind a youngling for a friend feel free to add me. Do yourself a favor though and quit calling yourself a fatty, you are beautiful just the way you are, you are just working on a healthier you. I wish I could convince my Mom of that. :-/ Good luck on your journey you are off to a great start!
  • Lisa2bHappy
    Hi peenu09,
    I also have hypothyroidism (im on levothyroxin) which has helped with the tiredness. Has doc given you a prescription for your thyroid?
  • klund73
    klund73 Posts: 10
    Lisa2bHappy... OH MY WORD... The tiredness is what KILLS me!!! I can sleep for 14 hours a day and still be exhausted... ugh! My doctor wanted to put me on Synthroid. I refused. I want to try to do this as chemically free as possible. He also wanted to put me on birth control (to also help the menopausal symptoms), again, not going to do it. I have my BP checked regularly and my cholesterol as well. I do take supplements (kelp, l-tyrosine, calcium, b complex, vitamin c, etc.) and they seem to be helping a LITTLE, though no remarkable distinguishing symptoms have been completely diminished. My doc and I have an understanding that if the symptoms do seem to be worsening or become too bothersome, then I will try it his way. :o)

    Everyone else, THANK YOU for being awesome! You are all the Bee's Knees! ;o)
  • Lisa2bHappy
    Yeah the tiredness was the worst part for me... Oh not forgetting the mood swings and I started to feel really low.
    Hypothyroidism, diabetes, and menstrual problems (i have all 3) are linked as they all are a member of the endocrine system. Untill last year I would only be awake for 4 hours aday sometimes as slept sooooo much. I feel your stress hun I really do hun.
    Lol I too have a animal best friend (my dog) :-)
  • txgirl456
    txgirl456 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started on this today. I do walk at work but have a bad knee with no carriage left. I also loaded the striiv app and it has made me want to walk more. I will be 52 next month and have been divorced for 12 years and have a 16 yr old daughter. It has been boring at times not having a boyfriend or husband around. I need to lose about 100 lbs. I was on a good start with weight watchers (lost (40 lbs) but then I quit smoking and gained 59 lbs back (have not touched a cig in over 1 yr and I quit drinking alcohol 4 yrs ago). Now it's time to start over again. Hope to find some friends to help me along. From Central Texas. Thanks y'all.