I'm 5'4, 150 lbs SUPER frustrated with my plateau!



  • adriennepaolini
    I suggest using the hills. Moving at half pace up hill burns more calories because you are constantly moving to adjust and keep steady. If you do not eat enough you WILL gain weigh and of not lose any. Your body moves into reserve mode and wont burn anything that isn't absolutely necessary. I am far from your situation I understand that ... But you might want to look into what a BMI healthy weight is for your height I am 5' nothing and am supposed to be between 125 and 135 so you can not be to far off.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Also do these exercises if you aren't already, with or without weights.
    whatever challenges you.

    How to do side lunges

    How to do a basic bridge

    to make the bridge harder,
    level 2 do it with 1 leg. remember to alternate legs each set.

    level 3 elevated leg bridges
    so 1 leg will be bent and pushing on something 6 inches or higher
    instead of pushing on the floor.
    the other leg will be up in the air, straight if you can.

    use the edge of a box, trampoline, box spring, weight bench, whatever works for you.

    and speed skaters

    do all these as often as you can.
  • goforkissy
    goforkissy Posts: 157 Member
    Bumping. I am also 5' 4" and stuck at 145-148. Would like to read the responses when I get home.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    I second hills or incline on treadmill.
  • nyochum1
    nyochum1 Posts: 26 Member
    Nyochum your story sounds EXACTLY like mine, minus losing 33 pounds so far. When I graduated high school in 2004 I weighed 98 lbs. Now I am 162. For my wedding 2 years ago i had gotten down to 133, but since being married I gained everything back. We are the same height too!

    It is so easy to do! I can't believe how much my metabolism changed in such a short period of time. Morbid obesity runs in my family, so as far as family goes, I am way ahead of the game, but I just don't want to settle. I know that 125lb girl is in there somewhere!

    As far as walking vs. running does anyone have any experience? I would much rather walk than run, and would be willing to do that more often than running. Thanks to above that mentioned about needing to restart maybe 20 times. You are totally right. It may be the 30th time you try but as long as you don't give up you're ahead! I always keep in mind a C25K phrase, "You may be going slow, but you're lapping everyone sitting on the couch!"
  • lunajes
    lunajes Posts: 23 Member
    This is such a relatable post. I too am 5'3 and 3/4. Medium hourglass frame. I dropped about 7 lbs, 150 to 143. Now I'm stuck at 145.5. And it hasn't moved in 4 weeks. Soooo frustrating!!! Am I working out enough? No. But I'm definitely doing okay in the eating department. So I'm frusturated and confused. And I feel "fat" even though technically I'm not. I wish there were workout groups that had the same goal, and I wish the gym was cheaper.
  • Aplaxton
    Im 5'5'' and weight is tuff cuz of our height. Reduce your calorie intake, and up your cardio!!! Cardio!!
  • Aplaxton
    "You may be going slow, but you're lapping everyone sitting on the couch!"

    LOVE IT!
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Im 5'5'' and weight is tuff cuz of our height. Reduce your calorie intake, and up your cardio!!! Cardio!!

    NOOOOOOOO. Don't do that. Figure out your TDEE and eat the correct amount of calories. People very very VERY often post in the forums about plateaus, which they got to because they destroyed their metabolism by not eating enough.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • nyochum1
    nyochum1 Posts: 26 Member
    Believe me, I'm not reducing my calorie intake. If you'd read my food diary on here, you'd see clearly that I'm eating the required amount of calories and sticking pretty close to every other area such as fats and sugar intake, etc. I upped my calorie intake in fact to about 1350 instead of the 1200 MFP told me in hopes to boost my metabolism. I also bought a protein powder (Natures Basket Whey) and am starting that today to see if it helps me feel fuller longer with my fruit smoothies in the morning. I probably need to up my exercising more, but I hear even exercise only makes up for 10% of actual weightloss. Of course it's good to keep you healthy, but burning a ton of calories, no that it doesn't really do. One cookie ruins your workout for the whole day. I'm just going to stay the course with the 1350 and try that route first.
  • jpell420
    If you lost 33 lbs in the past year. Keep doing what you're doing! You should be at your ideal weight this time next year, right?
  • runner_gurl76
    runner_gurl76 Posts: 37 Member
    Try looking at your carb/protein intake. Simply lowering your carbs under 100g per day and raising protein to 100+g could help get you over that hurdle, even without much exercise.

    THIS!!! THIS!! THIS!!!

    I am 5'4.25"....and I agree with you and count all the extra height I can!
    150 lbs (as of this morning)

    I eat 1200 a day and, while there are plateaus in every diet, carbs are the big killer.
    I let myself eat whatever I wanted over Christmas break, gained 7 lbs....all from carbs. Cut the carbs and have lost all 7 lbs as of this morning, took 2 weeks. 7 lbs would normally take me 3 months to lose.

    If you want, add me as a friend and you can check my food diary. :)
  • Janey142
    Janey142 Posts: 50 Member
    your deficit is still 1200 a day if you burn 200 extra calories then eat 1400. your net is still 1200. if you burn 200 and only eat 1200 your net is 1000 and far too low. EAT YOUR CALORIES BACK!
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    I walk and walk and walk. I have lost +/- 70 pounds. It has taken me about 2-3 years off and on (hubs says 3 I think it's 2). I put in at least 6 miles using Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds video or time spent walking outside every day and I eat 90% of the calories back. I purchased my copy at walmart for less than $10. I try to go hiking one of the weekend days each week. If the weather cooperates, I ride a bicycle, but only 5-8 miles at a time usually. I am 51 years old and my metabolism is supposed to be not working right 'cause I'm old. When I eat the way I am supposed to and do the exercise I am supposed to, I have no trouble losing weight. When I eat way too much and sit on my backside, I gain. In between, I hover-maintain.

    I'm not sure how you can lose more except to change something. Eat more and move more. It balances out and gives your body a chance to gain more muscle and lose more fat. You might weigh the same but be more toned and wear smaller clothes. More muscles burn more calories than the same weight of fat, generally. Just try something different since your current plan is no longer working. If that doesn't work, try something else. Repeat as necessary until you find what DOES work.
  • Countryslove
    When I first joined MFP about a year ago they set my calories at 1200. I am also around 5' 4" and I weighed about 154 lbs.
    I immediately lost about 6 pounds and then stayed at that weight for about a month.
    I upped my calories to 1350 and still stayed at the same weight.
    I then upped them to 1500 and started losing again.
    I am now holding steady at 133 and just trying to maintain that.
    I also exercise 6 days a week.
    Not saying this will work for you. You just have to keep changing things up until you find what works best for you.
    Good Luck!!!