Women OVER 60

Are there any women on MFP OVER the age of 60 that are using "In Place Of A Road Map" and losing weight eating at the higher calorie limit?

If so, could you share your age, height, calorie intake, and how much you have to lose? How active are you? Thanks!


  • windsong111111
    windsong111111 Posts: 8 Member
    bump ...
  • genghis54
    genghis54 Posts: 123 Member
    What is " in place of a road map",?
  • windsong111111
    windsong111111 Posts: 8 Member
    Eating over your BMR but under TDEE to lose weight.
  • drbonn
    drbonn Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm 69 and just started using the method about 4 days ago...and finally lost ONE pound. YEA!!! I started on MFP Jan 1, 2013 and had been floundering (no progress), so started poking around and reading the blog-posts and found the "in the place of a road map" article. It pointed out clearly to me that I was not eating enough of the right foods. Things seem to be improving, but I really do feel stuffed...LOL! We'll see how this is going by the end of the month.

    I should mention that I am a regular exerciser and on some days my TDEE is over 2400 calories. That is a LOT of food!!!
  • drbonn
    drbonn Posts: 11 Member
    I forgot your request for statistics:
    Age: 69 YO
    Height: 5' 6"
    BMR: 1340
    Goal to Lose: 26#
    Activity Level: Fairly Active (do some form of exercise at least 4 days per week for 1 hour or more)
  • windsong111111
    windsong111111 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much for responding! I thought all the seniors were taking a nap. :bigsmile:
  • Getting cheeky there windsong, :-) can't help you as I had never heard of it before. Signed: a non napping senior in the Antipodes
  • qwander
    qwander Posts: 21 Member
    74 yr old. newly widowed, need to substitute exxercise in place of comfort food as I've been doing for the past 16 months..
    Have at least 30 lbs to release.
    Thanks for any help and support..
  • windsong111111
    windsong111111 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks qwander and Robyn. I appreciate your replies. I am going to give this "eat more" to lose a try.

    From ... a napping senior. :bigsmile:
  • qwander
    qwander Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 74, 5'6" think I'm supposed to eat around 1700 calories.. don't remember right now and will lose all this if I go back
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Just turned 60 - - TDEE by fitbit is around 1800 -- currently aiming for 1600 calories daily - exercising intermittently - Have lost 26 pounds since July - 5'6" BMI now 24.6 down from 28.

    Need to get back on stronglifts 5x5!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm 65, 5'5" and I want to lose another 50 lbs (already lost 50 with 15 of them since I joined MFP). In two years, I've lost 8 inches off my waist. I'm supposed to eat 1620 per day plus whatever exercise I do. I do aquatic exercise two days a week (for an hour each time). I will likely be adding a third day soon. I lift weights and do light calisthenics three days a week as well. My BF has gone from 50% (morbidly obese) to 32%. I'm still technically "obese" but I feel so much better! I am completely off my blood pressure meds, my blood sugar is back in the normal range, my sleep apnea is gone and my arthritis is much improved! One thing that I did early on was to get sugar and wheat out of my diet because I felt they were both addictive for me. That alone did a LOT. I'm hoping to get to 25% BF eventually. I'm content to patient about it. One thing that is hard for me is eating ALL that food on my heavy exercise days (and I don't ever even eat any more than half my exercise calories). My stomach just doesn't want that much food. Anyone else have that problem?
  • qwander
    qwander Posts: 21 Member
    I'm having trouble eating enough calories right now too. At the end of the day I find myself a few hundred short. But with eating apples and salads, I don't need as much and have cut out the bread and pastas which used to add so much..
    Will try to keep it a little closer but they have to be quality calories.. just stuffing something sweet in my mouth to meet the caloric count won't do..

    Any ideas?
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm having trouble eating enough calories right now too. At the end of the day I find myself a few hundred short. But with eating apples and salads, I don't need as much and have cut out the bread and pastas which used to add so much..
    Will try to keep it a little closer but they have to be quality calories.. just stuffing something sweet in my mouth to meet the caloric count won't do..

    Any ideas?

    Yes, I think it has to be gradual. At first, I wasn't able to eat more than a few of my exercise calories back. Now, I actually get hungry on my heavy exercise days! I consider that a victory as when I was routinely eating around 1200 calories, I was too exhausted to do much of anything and never got hungry. When I first started exercising last summer, I could barely even FIND my muscles--let alone use them for much of anything! I was so weak, I struggled to lift a small bag of groceries. Today I had another small victory. My granddaughter asked for applesauce and I was actually able to open the jar myself--with my own strength! It is amazing how much better you can feel when you rebuild your muscle! AND it revs up your metabolism too!:smile:
  • qwander
    qwander Posts: 21 Member
    It has been many months since I posted on here.. and can't find the same group under community.. so will just post and hope you all find me, since I can't find you..

    I was in the mts of Az for the summer and not back down in Tucson. It is an adjustment.. I want to start tracking my food again but got a juicer and don't know how to track the veggie juice points.. any ideas?