Anyone over 40 with over 50 pounds to lose?



  • penny01966
    penny01966 Posts: 8
    I'm 46 and know how you feel!!
  • Iamthin23
    Iamthin23 Posts: 6
    Yes I do!!! Feel free to add me!
  • jmacdow
    jmacdow Posts: 8 Member
    Im 43 with 2 children: 7 and 19 months and I have 40-50 pounds to loose. Please add me.
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    I'm almost 43. Have an amazing family, a full time job and about 5 "passions" that I just have to do to stay sane. Unfortunately, exercise isn't one of them... yet! I've got 40 to go! Add me if you like :bigsmile:
  • inkydnk3
    inkydnk3 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 48 and have lost 23 lbs of the 54 I need to loose to reach my goal weight. Feel free to add me.
  • Tgooge123
    Tgooge123 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm 41 with 60 pounds to lose. So far 13 days and no change in weight. However, I do feel better since exercising. So that's a plus . I am not giving up!! currently I weigh 192, my goal weight is 130.
  • rhondajomeehan
    rhondajomeehan Posts: 1 Member
    Im turning 45 the end of August and would love to not feel like Im 45!! I have 40 lbs to lose and cant seem to stay motivated. Starting over as soon as I wake up!! Im currently 167 and want and need to be 125!! Im ready!
  • rubyflash
    rubyflash Posts: 2
    Hi there...I'm just starting out.
    I'm 42 with a 60 lb goal.
    Great to find this app for sure!
    I wish you the best.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Well, never mind, user deleted accnt.
  • erikarobles
    erikarobles Posts: 205 Member
    Hello my name is Erika and I am 42 with 66 lbs to lose. I have never been below 170 in my adult life!!!! I have started my weight loss journey again and again. This last time back in Feb I got on the scale at my doctors office and it said 249....I almost threw up!!! I mean I have 2 little boys and I weighed that???? I had been having cortizone shots in my neck and been on steroids as well so that was some of that. I started on Almased and got a kickstart then became a Body by Vi distributor. I am now at 216 and trying to get down to 150. I have to do this for me!!!
  • I will be 47 in June and want to lose 55 pounds. I'd love to join your group.:smile:
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    I am almost 42 with probably around 40 lbs to lose..would LOVE to have a weightloss buddy because this is not easy! :) Add me!
  • melissandra
    melissandra Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 45 with 35 lbs to lose. I'm struggling, cant lose
  • 40 in May (does that count?)

    63 lbs to lose. Lost 15 of them so far.

    Anyone is free to add me.
  • Hello! Just joined January 18, 2013. I'm 47 years old with 50 lbs to loose. Looking for support on this amazing journey! :smile:
  • I just turned 48 and I weighed 243 on dec 20 and today I weigh 227. It's hard just stick with and it will come off . My goal is 200 by April 1 13. You can add me as a friend
  • Hey if you need words of encouragement let me know
  • mic1mam
    mic1mam Posts: 33
    Hi Michelle, I am over 50 with over 50 to lose, love my sweets also. Feel free to add me as a friend. :smile: Anyone else that would like another friend, add me.. I've been on alot of diets, not very good at exercising either.
  • mscarr51
    mscarr51 Posts: 12 Member
    anyone on this anymore. I am back again and need help:sad:
  • NickyDiam
    NickyDiam Posts: 72 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm 40 something....... 57lbs lost, 63 to go. Need all the help I can get too in this second half of my journey!