Protein in one sitting



  • aj_20_04
    I get around 100g of protein from shakes (1 whey protein shake at 40g, 1 PWO (only w/o days) at 20g and a Casein shake before bed which is also 40g) The other 200-250g comes from chicken, nuts, other various meat, nandos <3 etc.

    Edit - Dont dis the shakes! They are a good quick way of getting some well needed protein, especially the casein before bed and also the PWO.
  • PMKelly4
    Eat a vegetarian meal?
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I get around 100g of protein from shakes (1 whey protein shake at 40g, 1 PWO (only w/o days) at 20g and a Casein shake before bed which is also 40g) The other 200-250g comes from chicken, nuts, other various meat, nandos <3 etc.

    Edit - Dont dis the shakes! They are a good quick way of getting some well needed protein, especially the casein before bed and also the PWO.

    I'm not denying they work for a lot of people and have great benefits, I'm just not into them myself. I don't really agree with taking supplements either. I'd rather try and get everything from food if possible and only resort to supplements under medical advice.
  • omidiano
    Your body dont count proteins..
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Your body dont count proteins..

  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The flaws with the interpretation of these studies are addressed here:

    Specifically on the second study:


    People should read the studies (full text linked to) and draw their own conclusions. I linked to them largely in response to the "gym bro rumour" comment.

    EDIT: Agreed that people should still read studies and learn what they can from them. However, some of these can be quite misleading and it helps to have someone who can look deep into these and perhaps make statements about how to apply the results. For me, those are people like Alan Aragon, Lyle McDonald, Eric Helms and James Krieger because I trust their ability to make practical applications from some of these study results.

    I still say it's "gym bro rumor". The studies you link are referring to maximizing muscle protein synthesis. The claim people make isn't about maximizing synthesis, the claim people make is that you can only process so much protein and the rest is wasted. To me, these aren't the same statements.

    Additionally, the studies measuring synthesis are only showing one side of the equation when it comes to net anabolism. IIRC (I should probably look at them again before making this statement in case I shove my foot in my mouth) they are not factoring in the effects that protein dose has on prevention of muscle protein breakdown, which effects net anabolism. (protein synthesis - protein breakdown <---- both of these would contribute to muscle gain/muscle retention)
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    I have learned more here than I wanted to ; )
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I have learned more here than I wanted to ; )
    I'm happy to have learned that "my body don't count proteins". Revolutionary.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    how are you all getting so much protein? what are you eating / drinking??

    My breakfast usually is 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 1/2 cup no-salt cottage cheese, a scoop of protein powder, a tbsp of peanut butter and a tbsp of cocoa. All stirred up into one bowlful of magically delicious!!

    I will half the recipe if I am not that hungry, but if I know I won't be able to stop work for a mid-morning snack, this is the perfect breakfast to keep me going until Lunch.

    Edit to nutritional info: 449 cal, 26g carb, 13g fat, 50 g protein, 377mg sodium.
  • stevenyuzk
    stevenyuzk Posts: 88 Member
    3 scoops of protein a day is killing my wallet :(
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    how are you all getting so much protein? what are you eating / drinking??
    This morning's breakfast: 6 egg whites, 3 turkey sausage patties, 1/4 cup low-fat cheese, 1 whole wheat low-carb/high-fiber tortilla - 325 calories, 14g carbs, 13g fat, 44g protein.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    Hmm... no comments from women....

    Any girls?

    I can eat 60-80g protein in one sitting.