Obesity Warrior *BEAST MODE*

Howdy, My name is Thomas and I have been part of this site for a year on and off. I recently discovered something hidden deep within myself. I discovered that I am a BEAST and I need to unleash that hard working weight loss monster. I am now mentally ready but unfortunately my nutrition is off balance. Don't get me wrong I am not eating too much of the wrong things I am just eating too little of the right things. If anyone would be able to help me with this please let me know. I also welcome any and all messages and adds :)


  • raayfrancy
    Hey! That is always a wonderful thing to discover within yourself, best wishes! Feel free to add me if you'd like (: ... if you make the 'right things' to eat more available to yourself, in abundance, you will be more likely to include them (: ... doesn't hurt to know a few awesome recipes, though. (:
  • Dottydotdot
    Check out the Eat this not That series!! There are so many great, healthy, alternatives to foods you love. :)
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Eat clean, give up processed foods and all soda, drink lots of water, get moving and remember it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Forever.