
Hi, I'm 25 yrs old from New Zealand. I joined MFP a little while ago, but didn't do anything, then was encouraged to have another go. I don't usually take part in message boards anymore but I'm hoping by saying hi it will give me a little encouragement to come back on here again and well, be a good girl and log my food etc!! Exercise is probably going to be the hardest thing, the next is getting my cravings for chocolate and pizza under control!

You all seem like nice people and really supportive of one another :)

Not sure what else to say!!


  • Hello,

    I'm the same joined last year but now making a real effort to log what i'm eating.

    Mmm chocolate, now they do say a little bit of dark chocolate is good for us, problem is I munch munch the whole bar :)

    Lisa :)
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome to both of you. This is great site where people share common goal. If I can help with anything, please ask, add me to your list or just look at my food diary. You will find plenty of good information that will help you achieve your ultimate goal! Good luck!
  • Hello my name is Jen and I am 1 week into this and my first weigh in I was 5.2 pounds down .I am so excited!! Its nice to have the support of friends on here and the accountability which I need!!
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    Hi. Welcome, everyone! I joined a couple weeks back as part of a weight loss group at work. I joined a gym in October and have am a little disappointed that I haven't lost as much weight as I would have liked to and I figured coming to this site might help get me motivated a little more so I can get into shape and maybe look good in a swimsuit this summer.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. And summeryum, I know how you feel when it comes to chocolate and pizza! Those are a couple of my pitfalls, too (unfortunately).
  • Helllllloooo :) feel free to add me anyone..x

    Im from wales (UK) and have over 60lbs to lose before goal weight.
  • hiya

    Im back on here after leaving, i love this site, it helped me lose 35lb! I gained 11lb back so now im back to get this last 40lb off for good! feel free to add me!

    SJ x
  • StaceySuperfly
    StaceySuperfly Posts: 101 Member
    Hi, I'm Stacey. Glad you are giving it another go! I love the support I get here from my friends and it really helps to motivate me. I also love pizza and chocolate. I have found sugar free chocolate pudding cups to be a life saver! 70 calories of chocolate satisfaction. Really hits the spot. I eat tiny bites, really savor it. I find I can fit pizza into my calorie goals. Just plan the day so you can enjoy it without feeling guilt. I don't believe in cutting anything out, I just pay attention to portion size now and can enjoy the foods I love. Had surgery to fuse my spine on 10/31/12, weighed 240 and promised I would not gain more weight. When I stepped on the scale a month later I was shocked to see I was down 10 pounds! Got serious and joined MFP in December. 10 weeks I am down 23 pounds and feeling great! Can't do much exercise because of my injured spine and hips but get a little in at home and 2x a week I go to physical therapy. You can do this and we are all here to help support you!
  • Thank you all for the kind welcome, I can see that I will not ever be short of help and advice!!!
    (I’ve already been naughty and not logged in for a few days, baby steps, baby steps!)
    Whoops1973 – dark chocolate is great, (white chocolate would be my favourite though), but for the past couple of months I’ve had big cravings for everything chocolate…
    Karenertl and –Stacela5 - I’m glad someone understands my love of pizza – I have to make a confession, I have a habit of ordering it at least once a week. A small pizza to myself with a side (wedges usually) and maybe even a little ice cream…not good! Sugar free chocolate pudding cups? I’ll have to look into those. I think part of the problem with me being hesitant to get serious about losing weight is I keep thinking I have to cut everything I like out, but really, it is all about portion control and being more sensible with food and planning etc. And well done on losing 23 pounds, especially after surgery and not being able to exercise as much as you’d like to.

    Thank you again and welcome to the other newbies that have posted 
  • Live4More
    Live4More Posts: 177 Member
    Welcome! It's a long road but with the encouragement of each other we can all make it. I'll send you a friend request if you'd care to accept it.
  • Royalsbatwench
    Royalsbatwench Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me if you like. I am here for the support and ideas but I don't strictly talk about weight loss on my feed.
  • steviegreeks
    steviegreeks Posts: 35 Member
    You're allowed to treat yourself! I just make sure I work out harder to account for the extra calories I plan on eating :) I think it's all about balance. I've been on here for almost a year so have a lot of experience at this whole "diet and exercise" stuff. This year I'm getting rid of that final 5kg!! Feel free to add me, I'm a very active member and believe the more the merrier when it comes to achieving goals!
  • Thanks again!! I've added some more of you :) Also if there's anyone I've missed, feel free to send me a request.

    Edit: I forgot to add, in a way I'm kind of looking forward to working out how I can still fit in my favourite foods - I'm glad I don't have to say goodbye. I don't think I'd be able to anyway!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Hey, you are more than welcome to add me. :D