Sleep Patterns and Weight Loss....

klund73 Posts: 10
edited January 10 in Motivation and Support
Soooooo... I am sitting here on my couch at 11:21pm. Usually, during my work week, this is the time I am hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock for the second time. I started these wonky hours (1 am-9:30am) about a year ago and couldn't help but notice that that's when I started feeling tired. I mean, hypothyroidism was probably in full effect at the time, and let's not forget how much my ovaries are major jerkwads... But I really believe that my sleep patterns have also contributed to my weight gain.

Let's face it, without sleep, we tun into zombies, listlessly foraging for a moment of peaceful rest that always seems to be just out of our reach. Sure, the weekends come around, but you have to have a life of some sort, right? I mean, I would have missed one of the best hockey games tonight had I gone to bed at my regular hour of 3:30 in the afternoon. There in lies the conundrum... It is now 11:30 pm and I am so excruciatingly tired. BUT, do I go to bed and hope I can get up at the butt crack of dawn as to not throw off my sleep too much? Or do I stick it out and stay awake until 3pm (at least) and try to get a good solid nights sleep? My Circadian clock loathes me...

I also have to take into account that lack of sleep messes with my moods. Well, let me reiterate... that would be MOOD, singular. Mood"s" makes me sound all Sybil-ish and I'm not that crazy. Yet. When I am tired, not only do I go cross-eyed and bobble headed at the slightest thought of being able to just "close my eyes" for a second, but I also turn into a raging curmudgeon with murderous thoughts of stabbing people horrifically with a spork.. or whatever implement is closest at hand. That's not very conducive to living in harmony.. and prison would kinda cramp my style, know what I mean? Plus, I don't think the 6 o'clock news camera crew would capture my good side as I am being dragged away in handcuffs.

So tell me, what do you do to make sure you get enough sleep? Do you have a special ritual that you follow religiously? Are there supplements that you rely on to help you drift off to Sleepyland? I want to know all of your bedtime secrets... :o)


  • Amach37
    Amach37 Posts: 7 Member
    I know it's the last thing anyone wants to hear or maybe even admit. Because honestly - who wants to rely on medication? I wish I could just fall asleep when I lay my head down and wake up 8 hours later and feel refreshed and ready for the day. I, however, cannot.
    I was against medication but alas my desperation got the best of me and I conceded. It truly has been the best thing that I have done for my sleep. I was miserable before - I had so much anxiety about falling asleep or knowing that I wouldn't fall asleep or knowing that I needed to stay up more than 24 hours just to be tired enough to sleep that I was literally making myself sick and driving my fiance and anyone else in my path crazy.
    I have now begun to have healthy blood sugars ( I'm diabetic), I'm getting up at the same time everyday, I feel more hopeful and my family isn't afraid of me anymore - mostly. ;)
    There are nonaddictive medications you can take - talk to your doctor about options ( or not). It's nice though to know that if I need to get up at a certain time I can take my medication and will fall asleep and get up when needed. No more angst about sleepy time!
    I know medication is not for everyone - it certainly was not for me but when enough was enough I accepted that to be healthy or at least to begin the journey to health, I had to first get proper rest.
    Hang in there and I hope you find some relief!!
  • CheriLMT
    CheriLMT Posts: 220 Member
    I have suffered from insomnia for about 5 years...I have been on about every sleeping pill there is. I know it is horrible. Right now I take Restoril and 3 benadry and a number of other meds at bedtime that are supposed to cause drowsiness...they don't. I have learned to catch zzz's when I can. I am disabled so I am not currently working so this is easy for me..I sleep about 2 hrs in the afternoon...that is the only time I can sleep. But I can't imagine having to go to work...I always have to take a bath...I read somewhere that your body goes through a cooling process when are relaxing so I take a hot bath then the cooling process seems faster...i don't might not be true but it feels good anyway! I just think of all the time I take tossing and turning...I just stopped fighting it and watch tv or get on the computer (which is the opposite of what the professionals tell you to do) until I get is the only thing that keeps me sane...I know this probably wasn't much help but know you aren't alone and Good Luck!
  • Kkund73,
    Your humour in your post is hysterical 0:)
    I think the best thing to do is try to go to bed and get up @ the same time.. Its not always easy to form a routine I know but the body will start to naturally realise what you want it to do :-) I find reading helps. Find a good book and read it in bed for a hour or so (trust me reading really does make you sleepy) hope this helps x
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