I really need to make new friends IRL

lilborykuamami Posts: 11 Member
It is 4:30 and here I am venting on Facebook and on here because all of my "friends" in real life suck! So I'm having kind of a mini emergency. I'm asleep and I wake up at 3:30am to find my husband gone! So I call him, text him no reply! I know he is probably at the neighbors house since that's his usual hang out but it is very unlike him not to tell me anything and then not pick up his phone on top of that! Our 2 year old daughter is asleep so I get up and get dressed and I'm on my way to the neighbors to drag him home by his beard because he is bald and I can't grab his hair! Lol he calls me back before I get a chance to do that. He was at the neighbors as I suspected and he is coming home. He pulls up in our CARA why do u need a car. To go down the street where u normally walk? So needless to say I'm beyond pissed! We start fighting and then I decide the best thing to do is leave before I kill this man and lose our daughter! I'm Puerto Rican, I have a temper I can't help it so don't judge me! Anyhow my first instinct is to go to my sisters house since I know she is always there for me but he knows I would go there and I want him to worry about me like I worried about him! So... instead I go to my brothers house since he lives closer to me anyway. My brother doesn't answer his phone or his door. My next thought is an old friend that lives a couple minutes away. She doesn't answer her phone. So here I am at my dads house but I know my man will know I'm here soon cuz my dad loves him. Well...the moral of my story is that it makes me sadi no longer have any friends I can call in the middle of the night that will pick up their phone when something like this happens! I really need to make some new friends in real life, but when u get. Older and u have kids its much harder!


  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
  • lilborykuamami
    lilborykuamami Posts: 11 Member
    Isn't that a dating site? I don't want to cheat on my husband. I just need some rally good girl friends. :-(
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Do you do this fairly often? Maybe they don't want to be involved in your problems which is fair enough.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Not a dating site :) It is like a club-finder. You can find really cool people in to the same thing as you. There are mommy clubs, walking clubs, religious themed, political themed, you can even start your own mommy club or something. It is pretty cool. Before I was married i was stationed in new york and didnt know anyone so I got on meet up and met people with the same interests. They had little coffee discussions and stuff.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Do you do this fairly often? Maybe they don't want to be involved in your problems which is fair enough.

    Sadly, I'd have to agree. This is very peculiar behavior for an adult. Without trying to sound mean or judgmental, I would expect what you're describing more from a teenager.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I do think you should try and fix things with hubby first before focusing on making new friends. That would really really upset me if I thought my husband was lying about where he was. I really hope you guys can work this out and come out of it ok!
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
    Do you do this fairly often? Maybe they don't want to be involved in your problems which is fair enough.

    Sadly, I'd have to agree. This is very peculiar behavior for an adult. Without trying to sound mean or judgmental, I would expect what you're describing more from a teenager.

    Fugg dat, he. CHeatin. Get a new roommate.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Do you do this fairly often? Maybe they don't want to be involved in your problems which is fair enough.

    Sadly, I'd have to agree. This is very peculiar behavior for an adult. Without trying to sound mean or judgmental, I would expect what you're describing more from a teenager.

    Fugg dat, he. CHeatin. Get a new roommate.

    Yeah I was wondering if he might be too. Very odd sneaking out that late at night like that. My man has never done that in the 30 years we've been together.
  • lilborykuamami
    lilborykuamami Posts: 11 Member
    Listen...well read lol No this is not the usual for me I have NEVER gon knocking on someones door or even calling them because of my relationship issues. Also NO I don't think he is cheating on me I know he wouldn't do that especially after our past issues and the counseling we just finished in October. I just think I don't know... he probably wasn't thinking and he didn't tell me because I was asleep and he didn't think he would be gone as long as he was. Howeve I'm still super pissed because had itt been the other way around and I was the one out late without telling him oh All HELL would break loose!
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Make sure you do not emotion eat when you are feeling low like this.
  • lilborykuamami
    lilborykuamami Posts: 11 Member
    No actually I'm emotional walking! I'm pretty proud of myslef but your picture isn't helping! I love cupcakes!