A very non-success success

After carefully planning my weekend's meals and pre-logging a bunch of stuff to keep a plan in mind, I kinda blew it yesterday. In a pretty stinkin big way. Like 850 calories over what I should have eaten. So my success? I know that I went over by 850 calories.

I have started and restarted MFP several times. Each time I have come back, I have had to raise my starting weight, which kinda makes your "Yay! I'm gonna lose weight!" attitude turn into more of an Eeyore attitude. What I see now as my pattern is I do pretty great for a while, then I have a bit of a bad day, and I know it's a bad day, so I don't log it because, really, who needs it shoved in their face like that? Apparently I do.

Last night, my husband encouraged me to go ahead and log my bad day, just to keep me in the habit. I grumbled a bit, but I did it. I was pretty shocked to see the numbers add up. Then, when I completed the entry and it gave my 5 week weight estimate, it informed me that I could look forward to GAINING 1.6 pounds.

You know when you get that light bulb moment? It was a pretty bright lightbulb. My Raisin Bran with skim milk was delicious this morning, and I'm on my way out the door for a run.


  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    logging everything is the only way, I had a major blow out last week too but .......now back on track. Accept it for what it is and stay with us x
  • c3jaam
    c3jaam Posts: 77 Member
    That's the way to do it!!! Log even your bad days, just log. The program will kick you in the *kitten* for days like that, and help to push you forward.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    I'm so proud of you and your hubby! You are right, you definitely needed to SEE IT!!

    Last Wednesday (thats usually family night out for a meal) we went to On the Border. I got fish tacos thinking thatd be something I like and not a whole lot of calories -- WRONG!! I was shocked. I went way over but Im getting to SEE why I'm not losing despite my working out nearly everyday. Its my foods!

    Don't be discouraged! You can have that treat, you can go over...thats okay...we're human...but get right back on because you are so worth getting to your goals!

    Have a beautiful day!!!
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    Lol, meet your sister!

    I also went over my calories yesterday after stuffing my face in a pub for dinner.
    Unlike you, I didn't log.

    But I've had a bowl of low fat cereal this morning, enjoyed it, and I'm also about to go out for a jog.

    We won't let one bad day get us down, we're better than that :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Wow! We need more posts like this. I think logging is my only tool that will keep me striving for better health... I had a hard day yesterday because i have been under the weather with some bug i picked up traveling and had a migraine... I managed to eat healthy. Foods, but not the right number of calories.. Grrrrrrr. But i logged and today is a new day.
  • taliesyn_
    taliesyn_ Posts: 219 Member
    It's easy to log when things are going well and easy to avoid it when they aren't. But the easy way out won't get you where you want to be and if hubby has managed to show you that, he is one awesome guy. And you are one awesome gal for facing into it. Well done and I wish you every success going forward.
  • jessiex21
    jessiex21 Posts: 34 Member
    i agree with logging everything. At least that way you can see what has caused the day to go over, sometimes its not what you expect. That in itself helps you make better choices.

    Also if you go over one day you can see how bad it was and try to make up over the next few days by doing some more exercise and limit the damage over the week as a whole.

    This is a learning process and if we don't know where we are making mistakes we can't learn.
    Good luck to everyone and lets make the most of these learning opportunities
  • I am right there with you. For weeks I would not log all my food, I was ashamed to see how bad it got. Yesterday was the first day in a really long time I was honest about everything. I wanted to go out and grab a bit after the lacrosse game last night, but I had only 45 calories left and it was after 10pm. I skipped the bar, went home had 1/2 cup of skim milk and woke up happy today. First day in a long time being that honest and it felt good. I hope today is as successful.

    You can do this just keep logging we are human and we will make mistakes just don't let it wipe out all the good work you have done!
  • wimeezer
    wimeezer Posts: 404 Member
    Well done! And kudos to your supportive hubby!
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    The major factor in this sort of thing is to feel that everything is lost!! You've failed yet again!! NO going back!!

    Well...we ALL have our times where we have a blip... that's what I call them...and sometimes they are big ones and sometimes just small ones, depending on which way you look at it!
    The fact is that's just being human ... get back on the wagon A.S.A.P. and forget what was yesterday but do your darndest today to keep to your chosen regime... and you'll get there, no matter what!

    All the very best to you..... :drinker:
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I hate logging bad days....hate it. Yesterday was also one of those days for me. I was 1000 over. In partial defense, it was because I work overnights, and ate while at work, but I had last night off so I was awake more during the day as well. Still doesn't make me feel any better, though.
  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    I log everything, good and bad. One day at a time!
  • Meali_bug
    Meali_bug Posts: 11 Member
    I was over too... A celebration at TGI for a friend who got a new job. Like you said when I saw the calories adding up I was upset... but you're right it is a slap in the face and you realise you have to work harder the next day and remember to keep at it. Like you my boyfriend keeps telling me to log everything and it honestly helps. So way to go and lets get working!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Good for you! We need to know what our calorie goals each day should be in order to lose weight. Logging everything we eat can be a real eye opener. Like so many have commented, one day at a time. The important thing is, is to just keep on trying. Take each day as a new beginning and keep on going.

    For me, at the very beginning, I logged in the food I would eat on a typical day pre MFP. It was pretty sad, the reason that I got the way I was.

    Best of luck to you! You can do it! It sounds like you have a very supportive husband, which helps.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Give your hubby a big kiss! One day over wont ruin anything and now you know the effects if you made it a regular thing. Great job logging!!!
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I used to not log when I overate too. I was ashamed. Now, I say ok, I made a mistake, how can I do better?
  • sillyli234
    sillyli234 Posts: 124 Member
    We are all going to have some rough patches such as stress, not enough time to cook, stuck in a social setting where there is not many healthy foods to pick from, etc... but we have to do the best we can and then move back onto our plans hardcore when we are back in a position where we have total control over what we eat, how we sleep, and when we exercise. Good luck!
  • As far as I know, the estimation is a simple calculation depending on that one log - not the week, or the month. So, if your intake is low throughout the week and then you shoot over the goal once, that will not do any harm - it will rather keep your body from adapting to the low intake.

    I went pretty good with logging all days, even the bad ones, where I went over 3.500kcal some times ... don't give too much on the estimation.

    And the most important thing Ilearned: Consistency before perfection. If you slip, just get back to the plan. Binge a meal, even a day, if you desire, but sleep over it, and come back to your plan the next day.

    Just advice - worked for me most of the time!

  • Don't fret. Until we have halos over our head, and wings on our back, we are going to make mistakes. No one is perfect, no one. Don't be hard on yourself. The biggest voice we need to listen to, is ourselves. Talk positive to yourself, and listen:wink:
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Log the good and the bad!

    Yesterday was Yesterday. Today is a new day. Look forward! Don't give up just because you had a bad day. And the thingy that says whay you'd weight in 5 weeks, DONT USE IT!!! That think could make people crazy.

    If it makes you feel any better I was over 746 calories yesterday. But today is a new day and I'm right back on track...

    Good Luck!
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