New and nervous

Hi all,

So as the title says, I'm new and kind of nervous. I've tried MFP a couple of times before, and always fell off the bandwagon; my partner (we're trying for a healthier lifestyle together) suggested trying the forums to find some friends and support... and here I am. Eek.

Well, I'm Lexy, I'm 24, recent uni graduate (Language and Linguistics with Education) now working in admin support, which is a job I never expected to have but kind of love, to my mild surprise and great joy! It's pretty sit-at-a-desk-and-do-your-thing though, so I'm trying to work on a fitness regime. I used to go running a lot when I was a kid but got out of the habit after a knee injury. I'd love to get back to it, but not in the 3 inches of snow we've had the past few days -- I don't fancy breaking a leg! My SO recently joined the gym at uni (she's still studying), but it's students only and we can't afford £20+ a month in fees for a private gym for me on top of everything else, so I'm hanging on until a new budget one opens nearby us in April. Can't wait!

I've been a bit up and down about my weight for a long time, not so much in physical evidence, but mentally. I had some issues when I was a kid that have made me a little sensitive about the actual number -- my head is a weird place -- but I've decided to get a grip and deal with it, because if I don't know what the number is I can't be sure it's a healthy one. I tipped the scales at only just under 14st a couple days ago, which is the first time I've weighed myself in months and the heaviest I've been in a long time, so I decided it was time to take control.

Outside of worrying about my health and working, I like drawing, writing and music, all of which are (again) unfortunately very sedentary hobbies! If I could find an archery club in my area I'd be all over that, then of course there's the running -- I just got myself the Zombies Run app and I'm going to give that a shot when the snow clears -- and someday I'll be able to afford riding lessons, something else I did when I was a kid but gave up for various reasons.

Just one last tiny thing. According to MFP I'm female, and I understand why there are only the binary options -- because your healthy weight and things can depend on your physical gender, all that stuff -- but I consider myself gender-variant and find 'he' and 'she' a little uncomfortable as pronouns. Weirdly, 'he' feels better than 'she', even though I'm at the bi-gender end of the trans* spectrum rather than 'in need of transitioning' -- I recently worked out that that's not 'because I'm a guy in a girl's body' but more 'because using the "wrong" pronoun is a way of saying 'I'm not all I appear. This one's wrong too, but neither of them are right so hey, what the heck'. I know this -looks- like making a big deal of it but I don't tend to; I just like to be upfront and make this clear at the outset. I won't bang on about it any more after this paragraph, but if you want to ask any questions about that, feel free, I'm happy to talk about it.

So, that's me in a nutshell, nervous and too talkative as per usual. I'd love some friends around here!


  • smith76sumi
    Well come to this forum. Why are your nervous? There is nothing to worry about that. Just watch one inspirational video of Edward Checo. You would able to remove all of your nervousness.

    Inspiration, inspirational video

    You may also check that one also:

    hot girl, workout girl, girl motivation
  • Nexus100
    Nexus100 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi LosingLexy

    I am kinda new too, please don't feel nervous! So far I have found people on here to be gentle and understanding, after all we all are here for similar reasons.

    I hope you do not find it too daunting and continue to check in with progress or anything else. After all, as far as I am concerned this is a kind of support group...that's how I see it anyway!

    Happy Health

  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    MFP is so far the best solution for me,because none of the stuff that I tried before worked.
    MFP helped me lose about 10 kilos about 10 months or so and it was not so hard to do it,but I've gained it all back and some more because,well,I'm not sure why,but I stopped using it.I guess I just wanted a little break from everything,but it turned out to be more than a little break,but now I'm back because I know that this will really help me.
    Sorry for writing about myself so much,but I just wanted you to know that this is probably the best method for losing weight (that I know of).
    Just try to stay close to your calorie goal and you'll make it.
  • cheshire1865
    Hiya LosingLexy

    Am brand new to this as well. I'm 25 and I also do a admin-sit-at-your-desk-and-do-your-thing type job so I know the agro in getting exercise included. I work in a three floor building so any time I have to go upstairs, I run up them lol!.

    Awesome that you're so open about how you identify in yourself (massive supporter of LGBT rights). and just wanted to say welcome to MFP. Hope to see you around on the boards :D
  • MelStrey
    Welcome! If you are looking for some MFP friends and supporters, feel free to add me! It can be a bit daunting when one considers behavior modification and personally, I find changing to a healthy lifestyle to be just that- a bit of modification. It's awesome that you are open and comfortable with who you are. No matter what, don't be nervous about this crap. Find your rhythm and just go with it.