
I have recently come to terms with my depression. I have been comforting myself by eating and I'm done doing that now. I went to the doctor for my yearly physical on Monday and weighed in at 192 lbs. I feel like losing this weight will help me become happier. I'd eventually like to be around the 135-140lb mark. I'm just wondering is anyone has a story that they can share of their own troubles with depression and how they got the motivation to pull themselves out and lose some weight. Thanks.


  • lazygirllosesweight
    I think the best realization that I ever came to is that I just have to accept that I'm going to be uncomfortable.

    By that I mean that there will be plenty of times (most of the time, actually) when I REALLY REALLY don't want to do what I should do. But that shouldn't stop me from doing it. So I go about doing what I should do whether it be eat right or go workout and I just let myself be unhappy or sad or angry about it. And instead of wallowing in that emotion while I'm doing whatever I'm doing, I just accept it. I come to terms with it. I let it be. I work out angry. I eat healthy foods and pout about it.

    I've found that by giving up the expectation that I should feel any other way than I do, that I've set down the burden. Because the burden comes from expecting something different. And oddly enough, when I set down those expectations/burdens.... I found my attitude improving.

    I'm not sure if that even makes sense. But hopefully there is some nugget of help in there.

    Stick with it. Being skinnier isn't going to solve your life's problems. But you will feel a lot healthier. Your body will feel better. And the endorphins from working out will help your mental status.
  • Sheri4MS
    Sheri4MS Posts: 87 Member
    First, getting some moderate exercise and building from there. Working out released the endorphines, which improve stress, our moods and even our pain receptors. The work outs will give you more energy and help you to feel good about yourself and what you are accomplishing. It is important to start slow and build yourself up, going too fast will overwhelm and discourage you.

    You will get there hon, staying positive is key. I have been dealing with depression from medical issues and life changes that have resulted from that. I live in pain everyday, but I am finding getting back on track with my workouts and eating healthier has been so positive for me.
  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    losing weight may make you feel better, but you need to figure out what caused your depression in the first place. if you don't do that, you will either gain all your weight back, fall into an eating disorder, or lose the weight, keep it off but continue to live in depression. it's a serious problem that needs to be taken care of, if for no other reason, then because you deserve it. reaching out to others is the first step, accepting and receiving help is the next. i wish you luck in your journey.
  • melissalynnlarue
    melissalynnlarue Posts: 47 Member
    I am bumping this for myself to reply to tomorrow... I do have a story... hang in there!
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    I have dealt with depression over the years and was on medication a couple of times for it. The last time, I was at my all-time (non pregnancy) highest weight which was a major contributing factor to my depression. I saw a wonderful therapist who helped me through it and also referred me to a psychiatrist who put me on an anti-depressant. I am NOT one to start taking medication like that lightly, but I knew I needed some immediate relief from my depression. Around the same time, I also made the very tough decision to start dieting and exercising, knowing that if I lost the weight I gained, it would do a lot for the depression as well. Over the next six months, I lost about 50 pounds and took myself off the medication (which was not smart because I did not consult my doc and had horrible withdrawal symptoms).

    Since then (it's been about 5-6 years), I have not suffered from depression and made a personal decision to do everything in my power to not go on anti-depressants anymore. I have continued to struggle with my weight, but never got to that all-time high (with the exception of my 2 pregnancies).

    I think it depends on the underlying reasons for your depression. I know mine was always about self-confidence, not feeling worthy because I was too fat, eating through my emotions...basically it's all about weight for me. fat = depressed...not fat = happy.

    Over my years and years of struggling with my weight and losing and gaining, there is one thing I can tell you for sure. Exercise is the best natural anti-depressant out there! It sucks in the beginning and it's a huge struggle to get through your workouts, but when you break through that wall and it starts to feel good, it feels SOOO good. I find that not only is it an amazing stress reliever, but it's ME time, it's my therapy. It makes me a better mom, a better wife, a better employee, an all around better person.

    And this time, losing the weight feels different. I'm doing it the smart and healthy way, using this wonderful site to help me and if I can manage to do it now (taking the time to make my healthy salads for lunch for the week and exercising 30-60 minutes every day) with 2 small kids - a 3 year old and a 7 month old - then I have NO excuse to not continue living a healthy lifestyle to maintain my weight loss going forward.

    Depression is not easy and unless someone has been there or has been close to someone who has been there, it's hard to fully understand how difficult it is. I wish you the best of luck and hope that you stay motivated to do what you know is best for you in leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    It never mattered how skinny I got, when I looked in the mirror and was depressed, it wasn't enough. I still thought I was a fat loser. I never did figure what made me depressed, (maybe the woes of a young adult?) but I'm much happier now, and weirdly enough, comfortable with myself and my looks. I want to be a healthier version of myself, and the workouts do make me feel better, so maybe the endorphines help battle depression. You'll still need to figure out the source and work from there. Maybe it will help make things easier. :flowerforyou:
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    Thank you for all of your support everyone. I do know why I'm depressed and it is due to quite a few things actually. Yes, I think a lot of it has to do with my weight issues. I've gained close to 60lbs since I moved away from home, and it's been four years, so that's about 15lbs a year. Not healthy. However, that's an ongoing battle, and I almost got used to feeling like crap because of it you know? The depression that started for me in January stemmed from leaving a job. It was a co-op position, so I was under contract for only a set amount of time and had to return to school in January to finish the final two semesters of my program. I LOVED the job I held, more than any other job I've held. Ever. It taught me so much about the real world when it comes to the profession i've chosen, more about myself, more about my expectations, and then to just have to end it abruptly (if felt abrupt even though I knew the end was coming) and come back to school was hard. While at the job I felt like I'd "made it", and that was the most fantastic feeling ever at such a young age, so I was over the moon.

    So basically I'm having to deal with the fact that I may not ever hold that job again. If the opportunity presented itself I would take the job back in a heartbeat, but I just don't know if that will happen. I guess we'll see.

    I think at this point I'm using my weight loss goals to just make myself happier. But FEELING happy, not necessarily to LOOK a certain way. That'll come later. I love that feeling after a really good workout, so that's what I'm looking for now. The bonus will be some weight loss to kick start a happier me.

    It's nice to know there's people out there that know what you're going through. Thanks everyone.