i WILL wear that bikini this summer!

Hey everyone! I’m going to be honest and say that when I signed up with MFP, I figured I’d be silent member, and only utilize the site for its food and exercising purposes. However, upon reflection of my current situation, I realize that reaching out to others who are going through similar situations may be really helpful.

A quick about me… I’m a 23 year old pre-nursing student and part time admin. assistant. I have a beautiful lab malamute cross, and I love taking her for long walks or hikes. My new obsession is snowboarding, but unfortunately we haven’t had much of a winter here, so the opportunity to get out there has been almost non-existent.

I have been on my weight loss journey since August 2011, when I began taking bootcamp classes everyday. Despite putting everything I had into these classes for months, I never saw any results. I tried another bootcamp, and loved my instructor and the classes, but again, no change in my physical state. Once I went back to school in September I couldn’t keep up with the classes, due to them being at the wrong time and extremely out of my budget. This led to me purchasing the Jillian Michael’s Body Revolution… and I’m hooked! I looove her. She is very motivational, and although sometimes I find myself yelling, “I hate this move!” at the tv, I look forward to doing her workouts everyday.

And that brings me to where I am now… Although I have completed Body Revolution, I am nowhere near my weight loss goal. I know I can attribute this entirely to the fact that during the whole program, I never ate properly. I can be an emotional eater, which scares me because I don’t want it to get any worse. I can have a couple great days where I eat clean and stick to my goals, and then a night comes where I find myself hiding in a corner, eating vanilla frosting out of a jar. I am trying to finally put myself on the right path to reaching my goal by using MFP, which I think is awesome.

I would love to make some friends in this community, because you guys can best relate to my current situation. I believe that at 23 I should be loving life, and myself, but I definitely feel otherwise. A severe lack of self confidence has caused me to push myself away from people, and now I really don’t have any friends, or even the ability to make any (I get the feeling that other people won’t/ don’t like me, which is so silly, I know, and I become extremely shy).

My ultimate goals are to overcome my food demons, lose the last 15 pounds, and become the happy, confident girl I once was.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and look forward to meeting the friends I don’t know I have yet!


  • kschr201
    kschr201 Posts: 219 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story! I'm 25 year old med student who has yo-yo-ed her weight up and down a lot. So with my desire to be in the health field I decided I have to actually be able to accomplish what I advocate. Feel free to add me! We can do this! :)