help with calorie intake

fastlane26 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
ok so i exercise alot i do probably like 12 hours a week at the gym 8 hours of boxing 2 hours kettle bell and 2 hours trx suspension training. and i have been doing like 1200 too 1500 cal a day and i was told i put my body into starvation mode thats why i am plateauing help me please okay if my profile says that my net calorie after i have added food and exercise is 1500 is that bad were do i want that number too be. and please view my profile and tell me what too add and what too cut out of my diet i will do anything too reach success. I know workouts but nothing about diet really.
my questions
1. what is net calorie defaecate suppose too be
2.carb defaecate
3. how much protein
4.potasium i am always over is that bad
5. what is fat defaecate suppose too be
6.what is sodium defaecate suppose to be

ty so much i appreciate all the help i put my daily food and exercise up on my profile for today ty again


  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    You should probably do less cardio and more strength training. My brother is a personal trainer and advised me that I was doing too much cardio. I started doing less cardio, more strength training and started losing weight.
  • beasy22
    beasy22 Posts: 41 Member
  • fastlane26
    fastlane26 Posts: 8 Member
    I do boxing though i cant do less cardio lol i should have said that in the begging lol
  • fastlane26
    fastlane26 Posts: 8 Member
    ok so i exercise alot i do probably like 12 hours a week at the gym 8 hours of boxing 2 hours kettle bell and 2 hours trx suspension training. and i have been doing like 1200 too 1500 cal a day and i was told i put my body into starvation mode thats why i am plateauing help me please okay if my profile says that my net calorie after i have added food and exercise is 1500 is that bad were do i want that number too be. and please view my profile and tell me what too add and what too cut out of my diet i will do anything too reach success. I know workouts but nothing about diet really.
    my questions
    1. what is net calorie defaecate suppose too be
    2.carb defaecate
    3. how much protein
    4.potasium i am always over is that bad
    5. what is fat defaecate suppose too be
    6.what is sodium defaecate suppose to be

    ty so much i appreciate all the help i put my daily food and exercise up on my profile for today ty again
  • keshmo88
    keshmo88 Posts: 8
    Hey fastlane, what is your weight? I would say you're eating wayyy too many carbs try to have under 100 at least, and I'd also say you're snacking too much - 1400cals of snacking is too much, a snack should be 100 cals and you should have 3 per day. Good snacks are fruit, low fat greek yogurt, or mixed raw nuts - about a matchbox size of nuts is one serve (around 15 almonds). Boiled eggs, lean ham, tuna or chicken breast are also good snacks - get creative with them too! Make a salad with protein if you're snackish, or make roll ups - a slice of low fat ham/chicken/turkey with lettuce and roll up like a wrap. Also, you need to eat more low GI foods - brown sugar at breakfast is a definite no - it will put your blood sugar levels into a spike which is fat storing mode, and then they will drop into starvation mode which is also fat storing - you want to eat low GI foods that are going to keep your blood sugar levels even. Sugar of any type is out, as is whole wheat bread - I'd say only have grain bread. Honey is also out. For breakfast rather than having processed cereal why don't you just stick with rolled oats with some diced prunes or dried apricots & a banana to make it sweet, and have this with low-fat yogurt. Get rid of the gatorade, plain water is the best thing for you when exercising, gatorade is just sugar water, and undoes all that hard work you do at the gym. If that is all you are hving for dinner too, your body is going to go straight to fat burning mode! Low GI vegetables (so anything other than potato, sweet potato and corn mainly just not too much peas or pumpkin) and some lean meat will make a perfect dinner. 220G is an average male serving of protein but you can double that for every hour you do at the gym that day. Make sure your protein shake is low fat and low carb too - often they add sugar to make it taste good - a good protein shake is just raw organic eggs in a big glass of low fat milk, add some vanilla essence and a banana or some berries to make it yummy. If you won't buy organic eggs don't bother and just have your protein shake - non-organic eggs are full of bacteria and aren't good to eat raw - plus all the antibiotics they pump into chooks are in the egg, so you don't want that stuff in your body.

    I hope I have helped you. Feel free to message me if you want mroe help :) Good luck!!
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    ok so i exercise alot i do probably like 12 hours a week at the gym 8 hours of boxing 2 hours kettle bell and 2 hours trx suspension training.

    Why on Earth are you doing so much exercise? Beating your body into submission will NOT work. I promise. Stress is a very potent factor in terms of bodily responses. Overload your body's ability to manage stress (via too much exercise, not eating enough, psychological stress from work/family, etc) and you're realize very quickly the meaning of over-doing things.

    Injuries will pop up, metabolism will slow, you'll feel rundown, etc.
    and i have been doing like 1200 too 1500 cal a day and i was told i put my body into starvation mode thats why i am plateauing

    By "doing 1200 to 1500 cal a day" do you mean that's how many calories you're consuming per day?

    Read this article from my MFP blog so you're educated on the starvation mode:

    While you're over there, you might consider reading the rest of the articles, too.
    1. what is net calorie defaecate suppose too be

    There's no universal deficit that applies to everyone. Caloric needs and therefore your deficit depends heavily on your starting weight, body composition, level of activity, etc.

    In very general terms, maintenance can be estimated at 14-16 calories per pound assuming an hour or so of exercise most days of the week.

    From there, subtracting 20-30% would give you a decent sized deficit for fat loss.

    However, this is very general. For instance, an obese individual can tolerate a much larger deficit than a relatively leaner individual without the cascade of detriments that typically accompany a large deficit such as metabolic slowdown.

    For a detailed explanation of caloric needs, read this blog article:

    2.carb defaecate
    3. how much protein

    What do you mean by carb deficit?

    Protein needs vary. Again, in very general terms, protein requirements rise when you're dieting. The reason being: having a pool of extra amino acids in the bloodstream will be preferentially tapped into for energy needs opposed to your stored aminos (muscle). So it's muscle preserving.

    Roughly 1 gram per pound of estimated lean body mass is a good rule of thumb, in my opinion.
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