Walking as exercise

Looking for people who only use walking as exercise, feel free to add me


  • aprildurel
    aprildurel Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! I am only using walking as my "exercise plan" to start. I want to eventually work my way to running but I figure you have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. :smile:

    I actually just really got serious yesterday about losing weight. I am 39 (will be turning 40 in a few weeks), about 45 pounds over my "ideal weight for my height", have a slipped disc in my back, and bursitis in my hip. I am too young to have all these aches and pains and I NEVER "feel good". I have a 15 yr old and a 3 yr old and if I don't get my act together I'm not going to be healthy enough to enjoy them. I've said a million times before "I really need to lose weight" but this time I am serious, dedicated, and motivated. I've always lived by the saying "if you're not happy with something in your life, then do something about it", but I've never applied it when it has come to my weight gain over the past 10 years. I hate the way I look and it is impacting my overall happiness which in turn is affecting my family life so the time is NOW!

    I have decided to set reasonable and attainable goals for myself and build from there. In the past, I've set these unreasonable goals and sure enough when I didn't reach them then I would get discouraged and give up. I'm not doing anything that I have to pay for or any of these "lose weight fast" diets, shots, supplements, etc. that family and friends have recommended. I'm simply going to use portion control, smart food choices, and exercise. I've tried the Couch To 5K walk/run program and at week 3 I always get frustrated so not doing that this time. I'm walking on the treadmill or walking outside 2-3 days a week for at least 30 mins and will increase from there. If I never build up to running then I'm going to be ok with that. I'm going to do what I can do because the important thing is that I'm moving. My first weight loss goal is 5 pounds in 4 weeks...if I exceed that then it will be SUPER but if I just meet that or come in just under the 5 pounds then I'm going to be ok with that as well. I figure with these small adjustments and consistency there's no way I will fail.

    I'm excited about the journey and I'm here to support you in any way that I can as well. We can do this! :wink:
  • marthathebear
    My husband and I walk everyday at least two miles. When time permits we walk more. Love to hike as well. I do other routines but walking is what I do everyday. If I can't for some reason, I go nuts!
  • StephanieEmpson
    For tracking exercise like walking/running try RunKeeper they are awesome!
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    I lost 25 lb through walking and counting calories. It's so easy! A bit more difficult in the winter in Iowa though. lol
  • rissaloses
    rissaloses Posts: 38 Member
    I am only walking right now. I'm reading back into exercise after dealing with some major back pain.
  • fortyninedays
    I hate exercise but do enjoy walking. I do not own a treadmill and know that my "bad" knees won't allow me to take up jogging or running. The extreme winter cold of the past week have definitely been a deterrant. I am looking forward to the weather warming up a little. Yesterday morning I had good intentions of going out but it was minus 21 Celsius with a wind chill of minus 38. The best time for me to get out walking is 5:00 a.m. as I go to work for 7:00 a.m. and I never know for sure when I'll get home. Unfortunately there is no one to come along. I do feel great everytime I get out there early in the morning knowing that at least for that day I did something to get active. I am very impressed with My Fitness Pall as this time I have a resource to keep me on track. Counting calories and keeping me focused on my goals. Yes I want to lose weight but more importantly increase my physical activity from doing nothing to walking 5 times a week.
  • aprildurel
    aprildurel Posts: 6 Member
    I lost 25 lb through walking and counting calories. It's so easy! A bit more difficult in the winter in Iowa though. lol

    It's encouraging to know that just making those small, minor adjustments can result in success. Congrats on your weight loss thus far!:happy:
  • sweetrena
    Hi i'm Serena and I love walking as exercise. I am not a fan of sports or jumping up and down. It's the only exercise that I like and it has helped me shed lots of weight in the past. My goal is to walk 4 to 5 times a week for 45 minutes. So far so good.....