hey! looking for modivation!

hey everyone! I am at a point in my life where i feel its either do or die. this past year i was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. With everything that comes from that and being hypothyroid i gained weight and it made it almost impossible to lose. After going through 2 surgeries and radiation I was then diagnosed with PCOS which also makes it hard to lose weight ( most of your weight is in the belly). I am currently on medication for both but the doctor is still trying to get my levels normal and he said as my levels get to what they should be i should lose weight. I have moved up a size in clothes which is making me uncomfortable to be around anybody. I am supposed to be doing a low carb diet.( the dr. says itll make me lose weight faster than a low calorie diet ). My biggest problem is sticking to the low carb diet and sometimes lack of modivation. That is why im turning to my fitness pal so i can log on everyday and get modivation. my goal is to eat 1200 cal a day and burn 500 cal a day on the elliptical. anyone want to help get me modivated???


  • NianMaya
    NianMaya Posts: 108
    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnose but I know you already on a road recovery simply by joining MFP. This is a tough journey but you can succeed with the support. Good luck!
  • chelle3283
    chelle3283 Posts: 16 Member
  • keelski
    keelski Posts: 18
    Sorry about your diagnosis honey and hope everything is getting better? As NianMaya said you're on the right track. You've started doing something and it can only get better from now on.

    I have a hypothyroid and PCOS too and left it for years, used it as a crutch/excuse for the excess weight and I am now in the same mindset as you. We have to do this, we deserve to be feel and look good, despite our medical conditions.

    I truly wish you the best in your journey, it sounds like you have the right attitude and I totally understand about where you are coming from with the carbs. If you want to add me, feel free :)
  • ajsjourney
    ajsjourney Posts: 22 Member
    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, and I hope you continue to get better :)
    I would suggest the book, "Low Fat Lies, High Fat Frauds, the Healthiest Diet in the World". It actually states that the Mediterrian Diet is the best diet to be on, its the best for longevity and overall health, and it does state that you can have bread and pasta, but you should limit red meat to a few times a month and use more olive oil as it has over 200 micronutrients. I took a health class last fall and we did alot of our studies from this book. I also have PCOS as well, and I wish you the best! :)