I need MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • timpicks
    timpicks Posts: 151 Member
    You have motivation. You just need a positive way to accomplish what you know you need to do. So put together a list of healthy things that you can eat that you like and exercises that are fun. Try to avoid processed and restaurant foods as much as possible and do some challenging physical activity every day. Eat whole foods in reasonable portions and don't fall for the low-fat and other diet food fads. Work enjoyable healthy things into your life in a consistent and disciplined way so losing weight isn't all about denying yourself, because you can paddle up a stream for only so long before you give up and end up right back where you started (or over the falls downstream!). You can live well, eat well, and be healthy by focusing on what you can do, not what you can't, and finding a new and permanent lifestyle that is fun for you. Good luck.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    You are doing the right thing by letting all of us know you need Motivation! You are not alone that is what makes MFP worth doing. I am doing the same thing. Finds some friends on here that you can relate too and make sure you follow your plan on MFP and before you know it the weight will melt off. GIRL POWER!! ~Angela
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    YOU have to want it.

    This. Motivation must come from within. NO on else can do that for you.
    ETA: MFP is great for getting friends who will support you, but only you can make the changes you need to make.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Hey trogalicious! Sound like you're singing my swan song (or whatever that phrase is lol) :)

    I have started and stopped, so many many times in the past....but for some reason this time, truely, feels different.

    The only difference between this time and the many many times before you ask? Group support.

    I always thought - hey man I can do this myself. Let me butt heads with the system. I don't need no help. Etc, etc.
    I had actually had this MFP account for probably 5 years, and logged in one time but never touched it again - til...now.

    My work has initiated a wellness program for 2013 - part of that was for us to be able to use the internet and log into mfp while on the clock. I figured, why the heck not. I'd be glad to play around with this thing some. (I work at an answering service - it can get BORING lol) - so I got in and thought, what the heck, why not registure like a full day of food and just see where I stand? Then I registered the food and at the of the day thought - hmmmm wonder if i can cut that overage in half? let me look around at these message boards and see what's going on over here too. Oh - people are looking for friends. I like friends. Oh, people are funny, I find myself funny and maybe can have some input. Oh - friends at work are now responding to things I post on my wall, and congratulating me on my good work.

    Oh well lookie here - 1 week in and I lost 4lbs - maybe it's kinda cool to talk with friends about things going on in my life. wow!

    Ah, and there's the precious 3 year old lil' buddy of a great nephew who's come into my life and totally gotten me under his spell - sure would be nice to be able to be around when he gets married later on. Be nice to be around to teach him his abc's and 123's and show him so much love he can barely stand it.....

    The threat of diabetes NEVER scared me 1 bit....the thought of dying young never bothered me 1 bit....but tell ya something funny - it does now....now that I've reached out and found support - and found out people out there truely do care. I mean I know my mom cares - but it was kinda different - mom's are "suppose to" lol.
    Found out that others who don't have to - do care - and got me to thinking - maybe I do really care too. :)

    So to sum up a long story lol - get involved on this website. chat with friends here - enjoy the message boards - and give it an earnest shot. you'll find out quick what stuff is worth eating - compared to what's not. if you register your 1st day's worth of calroies and they're off the charts - don't get discouraged - just know - the next day - you can make adjustments to make it better. and even the next day, and the day after that.

    I'm here - and I care. ;-)
    You can add me if ya like. :)

    (now my 2nd weigh in is wednesday - and if i gain weight - i may sing a different swan song but right now we're feelin pretty good
    nah just kiddin!)
  • azrrt76
    azrrt76 Posts: 59 Member
    Being on the verge of diabetes myself was enough to scare 40 pounds off of me! You have to think of your longevity and quality of life. You don't wanna have to poke yourself every day and give yourself shots of insulin...right? You don't want to have to worry about all the nasty stuff that goes along with diabetes like high blood pressure, bad kidneys, potential limb amputation...right? I work in healthcare and I have to say...seeing this stuff on a daily basis was enough to shock me into reality. Diabetes is no joke.
  • loriepaulin
    loriepaulin Posts: 88 Member
    I as well agree with alot of what is being said here. You have to want to change and for me starting with the small goals helped alot. We are all here to support you along this journey however, you have to want it for you and your lil man.

    I have a motivational FB page as well...feel free to come join and get daily motivation!! Remember all things in moderation and talk to others about what has worked for them.


    Add me if you want support as well on this site. I too have another 30 pds to lose...we can do it together :)
  • So how can you make yourself feel motivated to follow through your weight loss process? Here are 3 ways:

    1. Be proud of yourself - There a lot of people who wish to become thinner, but do absolutely nothing about it. You should be proud of yourself that you've decided to take things into your own hands. Being proud of yourself will give you great strength and help you to be motivated during your weight loss process.

    2. Find role models - When you start your diet, it's often hard to believe that you will ever get to your weight loss goal. Disbelief is something which is very detrimental to your motivation. One way to find motivation to lose weight is to find role models, people who were once overweight and managed to lose a lot of pounds. And these people are all around us: at work, the local gym, on TV. It doesn't have to be someone you know well. It needs to be someone you can keep at the back of your mind and say: "If they can do it, so can I".

    3. Keep your goals well in mind - if you wish to lose some pounds you must have an ultimate goal for yourself. Think about your goal and imagine how your life will be when you get to this new weight. Imagine the new clothes you'll buy, the way you'll look, the way you'll feel, and the compliments you'll receive from people. Now that you have your goal firmly in mind, you'll be able to maintain your weight loss motivation until you reach that goal.

    I hope these 3 steps will help you to find motivation to lose weight and I wish you the best of luck in losing weight.

    Also read these scriptures My Dear, they always help me....

    We have an obligation to God, to ourselves and our loved ones, to take care of our health and our body. And losing weight is one way to do so.

    1 Corinthians 6:19-20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

    Read these scriptures to confirm for yourself that God will help you lose the weight through the Bible scriptures.

    Phillippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
    Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    Transforming your old habit into a new and healthier habit is a difficult thing to do without help. Join a group, follow a program and whenever possible share your experiences with others. You can have more success while helping others. These scriptures can help you with that.

    Proverbs 3:28 Say not unto thy neighbor, Go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.
    Hebrews 3:13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

    You do not have to do it alone. These scriptures will help you ask for the help you need.

    Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
    Psalms 16:7 I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.

    God Bless My Dear.... Stay strong and know that God is able to do all things but fail.....

    Hugs and Kisses......
  • Grab your kid and go walk around the neighborhood. Go to the park grab some healthy snacks and bring water along. Play catch, exercise with your kid you both will have fun and you will be more energetic :)
    Also gyms now have child care you can hit up the gym bring your kid along and work out for 30 minutes it is possible! I started working out more and drinking more water I already feel more energized. I do not have kids but I play more with my dog take him for walks we both enjoy them and even he has lost some weight xD hehe.
    It is possible it is all on positive thinking. Even just watching TV and relaxing walk around your living room with some dumbbells, do some crunches or wall push ups during commercials anything is possible. It is just in trying harder honestly anyone can do it we are just lazy or never think positively afraid of change or disappointment. Just do it
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    My advice, and be warned it is harsh, go to a dialysis clinic and see what you are in for if you do not get control of this disease. Good luck!
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I very much doubt a forum full of strangers would even WANT to motivate someone who isn't motivated by their child or the possibility of diabetes. Stop being selfish and think about your circumstances, that should be motivation enough :flowerforyou: