Getting over the cravings?

Hi folks,

After finally getting the guts to weigh myself, I've discovered that I've put back all the weight I lost a couple of years ago and am once again at my all time heaviest. So this time I'm serious about getting back down and then some. I want my clothes to fit!!

My biggest problem is the amount of chocolate I eat - whether it's a big bag, a massive bar or an entire packet of biscuits, I am 100%, completely addicted. So, obviously, I need to cut this the hell out. I have no choice but to go cold turkey, because I am the type of person who won't stop once I've started. Having a square at a time just isn't an option for me. There needs to be none in the house.

But, just 5 hours in and I'm already struggling. No really, my diet is normally about 75% chocolate. I'm not kidding. So I'm sitting here feeling fidgety and anxious as anything. I've taken a shower, I've had a cup of tea, but I can't stop thinking about wanting chocolate!

So my real question is, if I do somehow manage to flush the chocolate out of my system, will the cravings go away? Will it get easier? How long until I can sit alone in a room without driving myself nuts?! How have you beaten the cravings?


  • According to what I know, it takes about 21 days for your system to eliminate all cravings. Wether it's a food or even a cigarette. But remember that as soon as you will touch that candy bar again you will fall right back into that trap. Just be careful
  • When I was quitting smoking I went on very long walks and drank mug after mug of ginger tea to quell cravings. Maybe listen to an audio book while your walking to distract your mind from thinking about chocolate? Good luck!
  • Well, it's been over 24 hours and I haven't died yet!