Age 57, trying again, and why me?

I am trying AGAIN. Would love to know others who remember how much easier it was years ago to lose weight. Because I am an out of control eater, I haven't ever been able to maintain a weight loss. I am really much smarter than I appear....I know how to do it, I just haven't.

Anyone like me out there?


  • sunflower18
    sunflower18 Posts: 3 Member
    You are like me. I keep making half-hearted efforts then blow it. I have a treadmill staring at me day in and day out and I torture myself regularly by reading success stories. I keep asking myself, why can't I get motivated like everyone else on here? I tell myself that I just don't want it badly enough then I feel really awful about myself. I am 52 and have just been diagnosed as type 2 diabetic, and this isn't even motivation for me. :(
  • VTLois
    VTLois Posts: 49
    We all (I assume) know what motivation is. It's so hard to actually just do it. I've never been an athletic person...hate the cold, hate the heat. But I have 4 awesome grandchildren that I watch almost every day, and I want to be more healthy so I can keep up as much as possible with them.

    Plus, I just want to be thin. Not skinny skinny, but thin enough so my 5 foot tall body doesn't look so out of balance.
  • deemarie55
    Hello. I also remember how easy it was when younger to lose weight. I think our metabolism has slowed down. I am a big snacker so have to learn to eat healthy snacks.
  • VTLois
    VTLois Posts: 49
    I am a secret eater. No one knows how much I can eat! I also tend to eat out of boredom. It was worse when my husband drove nights, because I'd stay up till 11 or later and that meant more time to eat. Now I'm in bed by 9 or 10, and if I wake up hungry in the middle of the night, I decide if it's worth it to come out from under the warm covers to grab a cheese stick.
  • schelli226
    I have been there so may times, but this time has been different. For me the main difference this time is that I made a decision to see it through and so far have been able to stay in that place mentally. I decided to start blogging about what has made the difference this time. Today was my first post. My goal is to write about everything that has changed in my mind as I have been on this journey and why this time is different. Maybe you will find somethign there that helps.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I remember back in the day when I could lose all the weight that I needed to lose just by giving up cheeseburgers and only eating open-face sandwiches (one slice of bread instead of two).

    Now it's a lot harder. The trick is don't give up; keep trying. I weighed 207 on 1/1/2009. I weighed 185 1/1/2013. I realize that is pathetically slow and hardly worth mentioning - but darn it! It's been a lot of work and a lot of saying "no". It's progress. At this rate, I'll be at goal by ...............2021. Ha! I should live so long!
  • VTLois
    VTLois Posts: 49
    I remember reading a Dear Abby letter years ago. The writer wanted to go to law school, but she was already an adult and was saying she'd be 42 when she graduated after 7 years. Abby said, well if you don't go to law school, how old will you be in 7 years?

    I am trying to have that mindset. If I'm going to be a day older, then why don't I try to be a day older while doing something good for myself.
  • waylone65
    I have been using this app for about 6 weeks. Very little progress. And now I joined a gym going 4 times per week.
    This morning I think I gained 2 lbs. I am now 47 and it's getting VERY hard to drop pounds.
    I am tracking almost everything and am below my limit. Yes once in while I miss. I fell thinner but the scale show otherwise
    HELP I want to do this
  • waylone65
    How do you add that slider to your posts?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I am a secret eater.

    Do you really think it's a secret?
  • VTLois
    VTLois Posts: 49
    How do you add that slider to your posts

    It is under the APPS when you sign in.

    As far as really secret...that made me laugh. Maybe I should've worded it 'one who likes to eat in private so no one can watch me inhale food'.
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    If I'm hungry in the night I haven't eaten right during the day. I have failed so many times but this time I have ramped up the veggies and other high fiber foods. I am never hungry between meals and after 4 weeks my cravings are gone. I am 65 so I know how hard it is for us older girls