I'm not new but I'm looking to change my life

I've had the fitness pal app for a while, but I've never really added friends or posted anything, but I feel like doing this will finally motivate me to lose weight. I'm ready to change myself physically and emotionally, I'm sick of hating myself and letting it get to me and make me depressed. I'm tired of having anxiety every morning when I'm about to weigh myself because I know I binged the night before. I'm tired of crying over being fat and never being happy and dragging everyone else down. This is it I feel it, and i really need help and support so I don't go back to my old ways. Thanks guys


  • luvnlaffs
    luvnlaffs Posts: 9 Member
    Awwwwww.....your post sounds so much like me! Please feel free to add me. This can be tough, we need all the help we can get ;)
  • I'll add you as a friend! I'm about the same age as you and feel the same way about myself. I just want to be able to be happy with my weight. I have a problem stress eating and am currently trying to get rid of ten pounds that was added over the past six months. And then I will try to lose five more pounds so I can feel happy about my weight. MFP has been a big help to me for a long time and this time I actually want to stay at my goal weight instead of go back because of my eating habits.
  • isladream
    isladream Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me along with anyone else! I understand how you feel cause I have been feeling the same way which is why I joined MFP and decided to make this change.
  • Add me. I can totally relate!
  • Thank you guys :) I added all of you, you all sound so supportive I'm glad I'm not the only person going through this!
  • browntoker
    browntoker Posts: 27 Member
    you can add me! i fell off the wagon but im back at it and i hope to be in good shape by summer
  • I did! And yes I hope to be in really good shape by summer too
  • I feel like I could have written this exact post. I completely understand where you are coming from. I've lost 20 lbs with WW, and gained about 5 lbs back. I started MFP today, so today is my Day 1. I'll add you as a friend. :flowerforyou:
  • kesslertg
    kesslertg Posts: 54 Member
    Hi, FMR! I've been carrying around a 30lb dumbbell all day to remind myself of how much this 30 lbs of fat I have to lose weighs. Thing is seriously heavy and a good reminder of the self-abuse. Smile. You can do this.
  • Your going to be great, I just know it! <3
  • I feel like I gain the weight back and start all over all the time! It's so frustrating, but not anymore. And congratulations, you've still lost 15 pounds! :)
  • Awe thanks guys! And the carrying around weight is very interesting I might try it
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    anyone can add me we need all the support we can get
  • I also have a motivation group on facebook if you want to join
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Hi new pal! So glad you are reaching out. Makes me giddy - because I too - have found such success and a change in character since I've finally gotten active on MFP. I'm excited that you will too! :)

    I've had a MFP account for probably a good 5 years - but haven't even bothered with it til this month - because my office has started exploring a wellness 2013 program and said we could be on mfp website while on the clock.

    In the 1st week - I lost 4lbs. (wed will be my 2nd weigh in - and for a change I am looking forward to it)

    Explore the message groups - get involved, throw your two cents in - sense of humor makes you sparkle doll

    add me if you'd like to chat. i'm free anytime. (and 3 days a week 'im free 14 hours a day - as that's my work schedule haha)
  • Awe I'm glad you've been successful and congrats on the weight loss!
    I'll add you guys, and I'll check out that Facebook page
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Feel free to add me too. Your name is an amazing coincidence - I actually saw my ribs for the first time in years a few days ago!
  • nins11065
    nins11065 Posts: 29 Member

    welcome back. I am farely new but I am here for anyone who needs support as much as I do. Add me to your friends if you want to get weekly or daily support. I understand what you are going through as I see myself there so many times...
    Good luck and let's support each other!
  • AmandaMonster
    AmandaMonster Posts: 27 Member
    hi there! feel free to add me - always looking for new friends. just signed up at the fitness center down the street today so i will be much more active in the exercise dept. love the purple hair! :)
  • shanswan
    shanswan Posts: 32 Member
    Honey I added you and everyone is welcome to add me. You need to start loving yourself and realize you are not alone. Life is a journey and best not to be on the road alone. You will be ok just follow the program don't cheat yourself and realize everyday is a new one.