perky boobs

Hey girls maybe even guys you guy know how to keep your boobs perky while dieting exercising ? What about stretch marks anyone concerned about that?


  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    My wife one time complained that the girls were starting to sag. I told her to not worry about that. The best things in the world are hand raised, and that i would support her as long as I am alive. Her girls are worth living for, let me tell ya. LOL
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    As far as stretch marks, i say don't worry about them. Scars are the mark of a life lived. Any man that is put off by scars on a woman is not a man worth having in your life. Which would he rather have? A morbidly obese woman or one of healthy weight with stretch marks?? I will take the marks anytime.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Wish I had the secret.... invest in a good bra :) we r REAL women this is what it looks like.... or there's always sergery
  • lynndowdell
    lynndowdell Posts: 5 Member
    Check out this video
  • lynndowdell
    lynndowdell Posts: 5 Member
    In addition to exercises you can try breast creams like Naturaful which has natural ingredients, for example Mexican wild yams, blessed thistle, dong quai, etc.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    unfortunately, you can't control where the weight comes off. I lost in my chest as well.
  • TaminaShock
    TaminaShock Posts: 191 Member
    My wife one time complained that the girls were starting to sag. I told her to not worry about that. The best things in the world are hand raised, and that i would support her as long as I am alive. Her girls are worth living for, let me tell ya. LOL
  • TaminaShock
    TaminaShock Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks will check out
    Check out this video
  • hastinbe
    hastinbe Posts: 130 Member
    My wife one time complained that the girls were starting to sag. I told her to not worry about that. The best things in the world are hand raised, and that i would support her as long as I am alive. Her girls are worth living for, let me tell ya. LOL

    You're hilarious