Howdy! Just want to say I've tried and failed more times than I care to count. One time in my life, I dropped around 80 pounds but being 51, it don't drop as easily. I'm in the 300 club and sadly enough, that wasn't enough to get my attention. Then I measured and it took an extra large measuring tape because the normal one won't cover this body. I measure ankle, mid-calf, knee, top of my thigh and then I fell apart...one thigh...40 inches. I cried for a good 30 minutes. I guess the scales telling me my weight was 321, my reflection in the mirror and my clothes being 26W and 4X wasn't enough to get my attention. After my big boo hoo fit, I continued my measurements, put them in my journal and then my stationary recumbant bike (Marcy) and I went for a 25 minute ride. No more excuses, delays or fails...it's a matter of having the best quality of life I can have and feeling healthy every day. I want to be here as long as I can. My official start date was January 16 so that on September 16, on my Son's birthday I will meet a goal of 80 pounds. But my monthly goal is 10. I won't quit if I'm lower than that, after all at my age, time goes by fast and weight normally drops off slower. Any helpful advice from you big losers and any person who would like to walk this journey beside me....gonna be here a while, pull up a chair and a glass of water...we'll get through this. Thanks for reading my ramblings.


  • dmkelly67
    dmkelly67 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Val, I would be interested in being your friend. I'm new to MFP as of a week ago. I guess I signed up back in September but that only lasted about 30 minutes, seriously! It didn't work on my phone at the time, but I have a better phone and an iPad now.

    Having gained 25 pounds since September and only being 1.5 pounds away from 300 scared the crap out of me and has given me the motivation I need to get started. I haven't taken any measurements yet, but know that looking at my "before" pictures that its going to be scary too!

    I need to lose about 150 pounds total, but I am only focusing on 10 pounds at a time.

    Please feel free to send me a friend request if you are interested.

    Good luck on your journey
  • christy3565
    Hey Val!

    I started...again...in April of 2012. I was where you are, at 330, wearing the 26W and 4X. I've lost 95 pounds now and I WILL keep this off plus whatever else I lose. Ive finally learned this is a lifestyle for me now. It is harder to lose it now, I'm in my mid 40's, but keep focused and you will get where you want to be! This site is awesome and I've found that keeping track of calories and exercise is the key to be able to do this.

    Good luck :)
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    Hi Val, welcome to MFP ive been on here since Aug 2011 and its changed my life. i started at 284 pound and was a size 24 and 3X my thigh was about 30inches. yes its an eye opener when that tape measure doesnt quite fit around you , certain scales dontgo up to your weight and the seatbelt on the plane doesnt do up!!! so yep i get where your at!. Im down 97 pound and loving having shape! love exercising ...i can RUN !!! and have been off sugar for 13 weeks and will never go back to it! the changes in my body fat % and health have been huge since i cut out sugar.
    Anyway, here for support feel free to add me.
  • gogeegee
    Hi Val
    I so feel you I have been on Weight Watchers 3 times and given up and a friend recommended My Fitness Pal which I am enjoying. I am at 275 pounds and really needing this year to be the year for change for me. I have realised that the bigger I get the more unhappy I become with myself and my life and the changes that I want can't happen unless I decide. Some days I feel so positive and feel great and go well with food and exercise and other days I feel down and it's those days that I do alot of damage and often that ruins all the good days in total. I'm happy to be a friend if you want. I am going to write up monthly goals for me and put it on my fridge. Let me know if you need a shoulder to vent on :)
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Hi Val, I am 61. Signed up here in February 2012, but procrastinated until March 12, 2012, when I got serious and there has been no looking back since.
    I wasn't a member of the 300 club, but darn close to it. I was in a 24W (very tight) when I started, now I am in a size 12, which is a little big in the waist now. (Size 10 coming up?..............................who me? I can never remember being a size 10) I bought into all of the talk about not being able to lose weight when you are over 40.
    For me, it is as simple as taking in less calories. Logging every thing I put in my mouth, and I am exercising M-F on an eliptical and Friday and Saturday, walking for an hour, even this morning in sub zero temperatures. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
    ........................................oh yeah, and every day, I have 1 Dove dark chocolate with caramel and sea salt as my reward for making it through another day of my journey. Do you know how long one of those bags of Dove last me now? Pre-MFP I could probably go through a bag in a couple of days. Now one bag lasts me almost a month.
    Good luck to you! We can all do this!
  • VeraciousVAL
    Thank you Christy...YOU my dear are one of the "Inspirers." I'm hanging tough this time. Congratulations on your success and you keep it that way, come what may!
  • VeraciousVAL
    Thank you for being an inspiration! So we "mature gals" can put off that weight and MFP is proof positive. I hope you pat yourself on the back a lot and always give yourself a thumbs up when you pass a mirror....fighting your way back to health is no small feat! Congratulations! PS.: Have you told your story to Dove? After all, look at Jared and Subway. Perhaps they could finance your new size 10 wardrobe!
  • teaspoon43
    teaspoon43 Posts: 238 Member
    I'm 28 so I cannot speak on the age and difficulty of losing weight, however I do have PCOS which does affect all my hormones and makes it hard to lose so I do feel your pain. As you can tell, I've been a "member" since 2011 but yeah, didn't get serious until January 2nd of this year. My mind is in it and I'm going on 25 days of logging and eating healthy. It sounds to me like your head is in the right place (finally right lol) and I know you can do this!

    I'm here for support along with many other MFP members - welcome to the family Val!!!
  • lmerner
    lmerner Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Val
    I too am just getting this weight-loss rolling. I already feel like I'm on the right track because in my head I can see I'm going to do this. For whatever reason it's a different mindset this time for me. I'm almost 50 (May) and started this with a short term goal of 50 by 50! It looks as though I should be able to do that before too long.
    I love how the weight-loss is making me feel. I feel like I have more energy, I feel better in my clothes........ But the big one is how I feel better about ME. I'm already more confident and happier in general!
    Please friend me if you like, I can use all the support I can get and am more than happy to return the favour.

    Wishing you success,