came off track.. can't get back on

Week 1 was great but im nearly finished week 2 and its been awful as struggled and had more bad days then good.


  • Im pretty sure I have put the 8 lbs back on
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Week 1 was great but im nearly finished week 2 and its been awful as struggled and had more bad days then good.

    Well what do you want? Healthy weight loss results and being fit? Or do you just want to eat whatever you want and continue to be unhealthy?
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    just keep going. It is a struggle and the longer you keep doing it the easier it gets!
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    Inch by inch. Keep trying, were here for you. :flowerforyou:
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think everyone on this site has done the same thing. The key is forgive yourself your missteps and get back on the horse and try again. You need to be patient, also, because it can be a long process - but totally worth it!

    Maybe you made too many changes at once - it makes it hard to stick to it, in my opinion.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Why'd you fall off? First, if you're trying to stick to 1200 calories and starving, you're eating too little. Set an easier calorie goal for yourself, like 1500. You may lose a little slower but it will be more sustainable. If you've slacked on working out, you just have to suck it up and do it. Make it mandatory for yourself.

    As far as losing 8lbs goes... Well, you didn't lose 8lbs the first week. Out of those 8lbs, only 1 or 2 lbs were probably real mass; the rest were probably water. You haven't put on 8lbs of fat either. Just go back to making healthy choices and not overeating, and you'll see the weight come off little by little.
  • @ lee91356.. Thanks

    @ randinek.. Obviously I wanna lose weight or I wouldent be here im just finding it hard
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    tomorrow is a new day... we all have bad days, weeks.... the important thing is that as soon as you can get back on track. It will get easier but no one is perfect.... look for support here when you are feeling ready to fall off the edge... feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    start again. now. don't wait until tomorrow.
  • Week 1 was great but im nearly finished week 2 and its been awful as struggled and had more bad days then good.

    Well what do you want? Healthy weight loss results and being fit? Or do you just want to eat whatever you want and continue to be unhealthy?

    Bold, but true. You have to decide what you want more.
  • wyld4eva
    wyld4eva Posts: 58 Member
    day by day, hour by hou,r minute by minute.....try not to let one bad decision make you give up for the day! Try your hardest with every choice you make...its not easy but the better you get at making healthier choices the better you will may fall but pick yourself back up, dust off, and ROCK IT! :smile:
  • natalie2603
    natalie2603 Posts: 15 Member
    The last two days I have come away from my calorie intake guidelines - I do not keep any bad food in the house so I am forced to binge on healthy food. I.e. Worst damage I have been able to do is almond butter on rice cakes LOL

    It sounds like you are trying to be too restrictive which is forcing you to become unstuck after 1-2 weeks.

    Foods that you enjoy (that may not necessarily be that healthy) calculate into your diet e.g. so if you want an icecream (200-250 calories) work out that you may need to go for an hr walk aswell as eat 100-150 calories less that day.

    Not everyday but some days is okay and as long as you are getting a diet high in protein and good fats and maintaining a calorie deficit you will continue to lose weight.
  • Thanks everyone for your kind comments and advice.. I may do your heads in till I master this but when I do I will be able to thank all you patient ones
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    just keep going. It is a struggle and the longer you keep doing it the easier it gets!

    why? are you depriving yourself? are you trying to adhere to a low calorie diet?

    there's no reason for this to be a struggle.

    read this.
  • brownshuga30
    brownshuga30 Posts: 106 Member
    Wow 8lbs in 1 week?!? Don't let this discourage you. It is a trial and error type thing. Get back to eating healthier foods like lean meats, fruits, veggies, whole grains etc. Get back into the habit of working out at least 30-60 minutes a day. I'm sure you know that already
  • natalie2603
    natalie2603 Posts: 15 Member
    @ lee91356.. Thanks

    @ randinek.. Obviously I wanna lose weight or I wouldent be here im just finding it hard

    Do not take it to heart.. another tip, it takes 21 days for your taste buds to change so if you can press through and follow a diet for at least 3 weeks you might find it easier to say no to the foods that you LOVE but shouldnt have.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    You're only on your second week .. definitely be more patient with yourself. Also, i doubt seriously you've gained back 8 lbs all at once.

    Forgive yourself and remember this should be an effort to make a permanent lifestyle change. You're not dieting .. you're making the conscious effort to be healthy and lose weight.

    It's a learning process.. or rather .. re-learning/re-wiring yourself to do new things and make wiser choices. It takes time. You didn't put on your weight overnight. It took you months or even years. It's not going to fall off at once either.

    Feel free to add me -- I'll be happy to cheer you on and encourage you :flowerforyou:
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Hey pal :)

    I'm heading to my week 2 weigh in this coming Wednesday - but not dreading it. I'm trying to have a whole different mindset on this whole thing.

    Have more good days than "casual days" and I feel like I'm Winning - (as my friend Charlie Sheen would say lol) -- I even have a tattoo that says "Winning" to remind me - never forget that I'm a winner, and it will happen.

    What I found that stuck out to me the most - like the biggest lesson from week 1 - I want to chose the foods that give me the most bang for my calorie buck. For example - sure, I COULD eat at wendy's everyday - WOULD taste great....BUT....if I wanted to do that and stay in my calorie goal - I would have to eat a whole lot less throughout the day to make it through.

    So, early on - while I'm just learning the ropes - I'm thinking - MAN I can eat like TWO sandwiches made with double fiber wheat bread, slices of turkey, light mayo, mustard, and have some chips on the side - and STILL eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner (course I weigh more than you so I get more cals - but you get the idea)

    Think about the quality of the food - and you can usually eat more of it - if you're a quantity minded person like myself lol.

    Hope that helps :) and friend me if you'd like to chit chat.
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    Think about it this way what other option you have stop go back to your old ways gain more weight repeat this cycle over and over. Or you can do your best everyday workout eat within in your calories at least 1500 and fight for your life. The choice is yours you can do it I been there have given up so much over 7 years.
  • You are all so lovely.. I have read all comments and respect all of them.. I promised myself I would keep coming to the forums when I need help and next time I shall come before the food touches my mouth. Im willing to out myself and take whats put to me untill I get it right :-/