Wedding workout

Hi everyone! I am not new, but I haven't been on for awhile. I was 150 back in June and I logged everything for about a month until I found out some devastating news that caused me to lose track. I went down to 143 until I stopped working out. Over the last few months I went down to 139 somehow. I just recently got engaged in December and told myself I'm not going to look at wedding dresses until I feel comfortable in my own body. I started eating right and exercising 2 weeks ago and have lost 3 lbs. Here's to hoping I can stay motivated this time! I need your help! I do 1 hour of cardio everyday because I have 2 kids and my first was a C section so I have to do A LOT of cardio to work on this belly.


  • When is your wedding? Good luck with the weight loss! Mine is November 1st. Just want to get in better shape for mine, too.