Im the newbie! Any advice?

Hi All!

Im new to this site, but so far it looks great! I have struggled with my wieght loosing and gaining the same annoying 40 lbs. Now that summer is just around the corner, Im feeling motivated to start taking care of my health and living my life! Lately I have been feeling as tho I am waiting for my life to start... Always thinking, "oh when I lose wieght I will..." do this or that. Like take that vacation to mexico or whatever. Its unbelievable how I let my wieght dictate my life.

Anyways, Im hoping this signing up here can be the first step in a new heathly lifestyle. I want more than to feel comfortable in my clothes, I want to feel confident and proud of myself for being healthy from the inside out.

Any advice or tips about my fitness pal? Anything that worked for you would be great.



  • gemmableu
    Hi! I'm kind of new too. Its only been a few weeks since I started.

    I think my best advice is to be honest! It sounds like an easy concept but it was really hard for me at the beginning. I always wanted to not put in my weight on the days where I had gained a little back..but it is important! You must record everything as accurately as you can. Even if you want to pretend that you didn't have just one cookie...or four. Haha.

    I was the same as you...always putting it off like it would just magically happen one day. I finally decided that I was living in denial. I wasn't living a healthy lifestyle and it showed. So here I am.

    Best of luck to you.
  • pocostef
    pocostef Posts: 33
    After I got used to counting the calories, it just turned into a lifestyle change. My portion sizes are now always smaller, and I am very conscious of hidden calories. For example, I used to eat lots of rice but now I try to get full on other stuff - I prefer a larger quantity of food, no matter what it is.
    Also, if you cook your own food, and make your own lunch, you are almost guaranteed to eat better - even some sub sandwiches can be not-very-healthy.

    Good luck!
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Hello, I have only been using the site for the past 3 months now, but I can tell you that if you stick with it, it does work. The progress may not be immediate and take some time and hardwork, but you will be successful. I have been able to lose 22 pounds since joining the site. I needed the discipline of keeping track of everything I ate, so this site was perfect. It was also important to include regular excercise into my plan and ensure that I was eating all of my calories each day.

    So good luck on your journey and stay focused.

  • bjandlm
    bjandlm Posts: 75
    Hi Ashley, what works for me is just being consistent and patient, losing weight and living a healthier
    life is a "life style" change, and you have to come up a balance of exercise and eating right that will
    work for you for the rest of your life. Just remember to pick small goals, and achieve those first, and
    eventually you will reach your larger goal and be able to maintain that for a long time. Try adding new
    things to keep it interesting and not to boring. Good luck with your challenge, I have high hopes for you.
    Smiles from BJ :smile: :smile:
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    Hi, I am new aswell, and like others have said be honest with what you input on your food diary. i had a real shock when i saw the amount of calories i counted as snacks, i had consumed nearly 400 calories in snacks out of my 1200 allowance, i soon cut these out altogether.

    it will take time to get used to logging your food and exercise but the site is really easy, one thing i am finding hard with at the moment is when you exercise yougain calories back, and sometimes i dont feel like eating anything, or want to make sure i dont eat rubbish

    good luck with your goal, i'll add you as a friend