REALLY need some help!

I have a few slipped discs and facet joints worn down to almost nothing in my back. I am always in agony when I try and exersice, even just walking... does anyone have any tips for things i could try??
Neurologist wants to inject stuff into my spine to help with the pain but I an very weary...


  • kbains12
    try swimimng, it is very low impact on the joints.
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    I had injections and surgery but i don't exercise its too painful you can add me as a friend for support if you like
  • fluffynut4
    fluffynut4 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks Ladies. The scans I had were about 5 yrs ago so Im thinking about getting more recent scans, Im assuming they will be worse. I also have a dislocated hip joint that I have to click back into place every night or two.
    Im restricting my diet to 1200cal Because I cant exercise but its just not helping, im also on weight gaining meds due to some chronic mental health issues, so thats not helping either, I saw a dietician but she said there isnt much more I could do considering the meds im on and my back trouble...
    Im ashamed to say i weigh about 148kgs now and nothing is helping. i dont eat crap but iv been told i dont eat enough to start my metabolism and with the meds im on they turn every ouce of what i eat into fat so im stuck between a rock and a hard place.
    My sister inlaw is a PT and she suggested water aierobics, i have tried that im the past. I have agoraphobia so find it hard to leave my bedroom let alone going to the pool, she said even light laps would help not necessarily having to join a big group.
    Im so lost with all of this I just dont know what to do next...

    Gerald_King, How do I add you as a friend?

    Cheers Ladies!
  • fluffynut4
    fluffynut4 Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry forgot to add.
    Thank you Ladies and Gents!...
  • fluffynut4
    fluffynut4 Posts: 12 Member
    I've spoken to my sister in-law, who is a PT and Im going to get more scans of my spine, to see if the damage has progressed. I've also looked into Aqua Aerobics and I'll be starting this Thursday. I used to do it every week but that was before I put on the weight due to my meds, I just did it to keep fit with 4 children. Now I really need to do it and I'm hoping it will help my back AND help me lose weight...