my 50lbs loss

hey everyone :)
my name is lou, im 25 years old...i'm a mummy to a 2 1/2 year old lil boy :)
i went over due by 14 days (so 42 weeks!!) and then it took him nearly 3 days to get out :O
i'd put on 4 stone in weight during my pregnancy, as to be honest i was just greedy, my cravings were pink/blue fizzy bottles (the big ones!) and then later in pregnancy chinese food!
After i'd had him, i relaxed into just eating what i wanted, so my starting weight was around 16 stone/ 220lbs
I'm 5ft 10 1/2 so i was at my heaviest a size 18, but felt a whole load bigger, because of my actual weight, i checked on my BMI one day and saw that i was classed as obese :( that broke my heart as i've always been quite my journey began!
I started by using MFP, and having the motivation of not wanting to be a "fat bride" so in the first few months i was losing up to 3/4lbs in a week!
I got to my wedding day, weighing 13 stone 7lbs...and fitting into my size 14 dress :)
I continued on following MFP, walking everywhere for exercise (we don't drive!)

So now i've hit the 50lbs loss mark and i'm wanting to lose about another 7-10lbs, and tone up (as i have the wobbly, saggy belly/boobs/bum!)

It is possible to lose weight, i did it by using MFP and walking, instead of bussing it everywhere :)

Good luck to everyone


  • Amellej
    Amellej Posts: 197 Member
    Great job on your weight loss! I also gained 4 stones during my pregancy and didnt realise how big i had gotten till i saw 16 stone on the scale! so far i am down 3 stones hoping to lose another 2 stone, i'm 5'5".
    Well done!
  • Congratulations! Reading success stories like yours is what motivates me the most. Keep it up and stay on track!
  • sukifr
    sukifr Posts: 70 Member
    Hey well done - you are very inspiring!!

    I also gained 4 stone when pregnant - unfortunately my 'baby' turns 21yrs old in May!!! :-)

    It always spurns me on when I see someone achieving their goals - good luck on the final part of your journey, you look absolutely amazing and I'm really proud of you!! :-)
  • Awww thanks to everyone for getting back to me :) Honestly, it can be done :) For me it was seeing that word "obese" and reality hit...Something needs to be done!
    Happy 21st birthday to your baby by the way :D
    Thanks again everyone <3
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Awesome job Darling!!!!!
  • Super story!

    I was surprised at how many calories were in my Weight Watcher weekly track! No wonder I wasn't losing weight! Nevermind, I am here now and will lose this last 20 pounds and seeing the calories you actual eat really does make a difference.

    Go you! enjoy your skinny self.
  • Artillerybabe
    Artillerybabe Posts: 9 Member
    Well done such a positive inspiration ;) I am just starting out on the same journey having gained well over 4 stone during pregnancy and allowing the comfort eating to continue into 2 years of my sons life! Cant Wait for the moment I can be in your position!
    Great Results ;)
  • harrisonsmum
    harrisonsmum Posts: 34 Member
    Excellent job!

    I also gained 4 stone during pregnancy. My cravings were chocolate milkshakes, hot curries and chilli lime pickle.
    My little boy is 2 in April, and I'm still carrying these lbs. Not good.

    I went down 8lbs and have gained 1 back this week.

    Well done for losing the lbs for your wedding. Congratulations!!
  • :) I'm so grateful for all the wonderful feedback, and to hear about people who are in the same boat as me, make me realise what i've accomplished :)
    i still don't feel slim, as i've got wobbly bits and jiggly bits that i didnt have before pg...BUT i'm on the last little road of my journey, and i will get that bod back :)

    please don't ever give up, mistakes do happen- i gave in to those choccie bars/crisps many, many times on my journey...but i then went on to become stronger; i took pics of myself at different stages to show what i'd done, and how much i'd lost (for myself more than anyone else!!)
    I'm a very ambitious person and i strive for perfection, which obviously doesn't exist...that's my problem!!

    Confidence is what i need to build now, so any tips on building confidence after losing weight would be a great help :)
  • jotti101
    jotti101 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi, Well done you !

    Its great to read your strory and I think others so get motivated by what you have done. I too have just started on the weight loss plan again and have so far lost just under 4KGS. I started the first week of Jan so its still early days for me but I have got the right attitiude and this is being motivated by reading stories like yours.

    Keep it up.

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