Kettlebells for weightloss (testimonials especially welcome)

I have about 12lbs to go and I'd really like to build up my strength as well as lose weight and apparently kettlebells are a good way to do that. Kettlebell training classes are not an option for me due to time constraints although I know they would be ideal for good form etc but I was wondering if you guys could recommend any DVDs that have worked well for you? I have one small weight of 2.5kg and a larger one of 5kg that I'd work myself up to.

Thank you!


  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Thank you for posting this. Kettlebells is definately something i would like to try.
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    I've used kettlebells at home since last August and they've done wonders for me. Really good workouts! You can find an OK starter video at, they've got a couple more for moving further also. And there are a lot of workouts on YouTube, search for kettlebell bombshell i.e. But beware, there are a lot of amateur videos that may be directly harmful to follow!

    IMO: you'll need some heavier ones after a few weeks; I started with 4 kg, moved on to 7,5 kg, 12 kg 16 kg and I've got one 20 kg for two-arm swings. To get the results you want, move further when you easily can do the workouts with the ones you've got and feel like you master the technique.
  • joanmarienana
    joanmarienana Posts: 69 Member
    I LOVE Kettlebells! My favorite DVDS are by Paul Katami; he has several programs out now & I think a new one for beginners. His vids have a Clinic section where he demonstrates moves & you practice them. That's very important to get the correct form down to prevent injury & maximize results. Kettlebells are great for toning total body, especially the lower body & core. Collage video is a good place to find workouts & they have previews & Reviews so you can find what's best for you.
    Best wishes in becoming a kettlebeller!
  • x_Shruti_x
    x_Shruti_x Posts: 21 Member
    Oh I haven't heard of Paul katami I'll have to check it out! Thanks for the tips. I like the idea that kettlebells can help with cardio too!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I've been training 4-6 times per week with KBs since July. You really ought to get heavier bells. Women should start with 8-12 kg bells, men with 16-24kg bells.

    Recommended videos--check for all sorts of safe and recommended titles. I personally never use a DVD, but instead find workouts I can use on the internet. Some of my favourite sites/trainers are Marianne Kane of, Tracy Reifkind (Tracy has DVDs out as well), and Lauren Brooks (She has DVDs, too). You might join the KB forum here at MFP for more suggestions. I also use a lot of workouts from Pavel Tsatsouline's Enter the Kettlebell book (I think there's a DVD for this title).