Breast Cancer survivor--need some motivation

Using MFP I lost 45 pounds from June 2011-July 2012, then I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I since have gained about 20 pounds back and am SO unhappy with my current body--for LOTS of reasons.

I finished my chemo a month ago and have started exercising again and eating healthy again. I am just now starting to see results from all the hard work I put in over the last month. But as with all weight loss it's a slow process.

I used to be a half marathon runner and now I'm doing good to run a mile and a half! It's depressing! to think of where I was physically and then to face the reality of where I am now. I hate it! but it is what it is and I need to move on and be okay with what I can do!

Just looking for some support and love! I need it!


  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    You are amazing! The good news is you know how to do it and you're already on the journey there:). I think you will be very successful, it's pretty impressive that you are working on this so soon after chemo and already knowing that results are on their way:). (((Hugs!)))))
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I don't want to say 'congratulations' for beating cancer as that sounds wrong, but hopefully you know what I mean.

    Don't be depressed, after what you have overcome you are obviously a strong and amazing person.

    These things take time and given enough of that you will be back where you were.
  • Lauralovesmfp
    Lauralovesmfp Posts: 270 Member
    First off, let me say how great it is that you have pulled through and are ready to workout and eat healthy again :) You will find a ton of support on here. This site is wonderful for that. The weight will come off if you are committed to getting it off. Exercise, log your food and don't go over. The math is all done for you!
  • 60x60
    60x60 Posts: 75 Member
    You can do it. Hard to think of cancer as a metaphor, but ... To me, now, it was just a frustrating, painful detour in a beautiful life.

    Leaving on Wednesday with some friends for a five day trip to celebrate five years breast cancer free (husband holding down the fort). Lost 50 pounds in the five years before the surgery, chemo, radiation and 50 pounds in the five years since. Two more years and twenty pounds to goal. The cancer was a one year detour.

    Congrats on getting through the worst and continuing on your fitness path!
  • fastkat
    fastkat Posts: 12
    Thanks ladies! I know it's possible it's just a hard journey to get back where I want to be
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    It is hard, and YES congratulations on fighting this awful disease. You can do it. You absolutely can do it. I know you can because I'm only a year ahead of you in the battle.

    Wishing all the best. You can read my profile and send me a request if you'd like. :flowerforyou: