No change

I have started using MFP for the last 2 weeks with no change.I do realize it can take some time but I want to do this right and want to make sure I am doing this right this time.
I am 42 yrs old 5ft 1in 145lbs my Goal is to be 125lbs by July. I am wondering if someone could take a look at my diary and tell me if I am doing this right. After reading a post about women who are 5' or shorter needing more calories I am wondering if I am getting enough calories because I have not seen any weight change yet. I am going to keep doing what I am doing but I am wondering if I might need more cals thank you for any help.


  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    You'd be better tracking protein than either sugar or sodium. You seem to consistently be eating under calories and under fat and your fibre is very low. You look low on a raft of nutrients, I don't see much fruit and veg, dairy oily fish or enough fibre/ mineral rich foods (beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, wholegrains). Whilst bananas are healthy they only count once per day no matter if you eat two, for the same carbs you could have two servings of fruit and seven of veggies in the full rainbow of colours. Try to limit whey to once daily, eat more real food.
  • victay3
    victay3 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you for the advice I am really new to all this and it really helps to have some guidance. I thought my protein was to high and that I was going way over on my sugars. I will try what you suggest. Also I thought Whey protein was supposed to be good for ya
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Only suggestion i have is to track protein and keep consistent for two months or so. After two months you can review and get an idea what works for YOU. While you stay very consistent and accurate with your tracking keep reading here. I have had some good advice, referrals to further reading, and some good laughs here. After you have put in some time you will know if you beed to up or lower your calories or change something in your diet. I think your diary looks great (other than possibly not enough protein for today- but please don't look at my diary because you are doing better than I in this area) if its like the last two days. Keep it up. :)
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I don't usually critique people's diaries, but I do have a few thoughts. You eat very differently than I do (and I'm older), but some things I noticed . . .

    You eat very differently than I do. This isn't necessarily bad, it's just the first thing I noticed. A lot of calories from things like protein powders rather than things like meat or fish or other whole/unprocessed foods. Also, do you eat dark green vegetables? Things like broccoli, spinach, kale, brussel sprouts, or things like carrots, sweet potatoes, parsnips, turnips, beets? Peas? Green beans? Cauliflauer? Whole grains? Beans? I was just struck that there are few veggies other than salad greens.

    Second, I was wondering if you are logging every single thing you're eating and measuring accurately. I know for me, it took me a while to really understand portion size and how much I was actually eating. It makes a huge difference and it is also very hard when you are eating out.

    Also, I noticed you don't have a lot of small things written down. When I sit and start adding in ketchup and pickles and mayo and that little bit of cheese and croutons and that dollop of quac or sour cream and . . . I wind up with a few hundred extra calories per day. That can make the difference between gaining and losing.

    I also found that when I first started, I had to move back from light activity to sedentary to start my weight loss going. I thought I was more active than that, but people who are slightly older can have slower metabolisms. When I went to sedentary and logged my exercise I started losing.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member

    Here's my suggestion.

    1.) Calm down... it takes time.
    2.) Consistently track. Every item, condiment, packet of crystal light, etc. that you eat. Possibly get a food scale if you are making sweeping assumptions on the true amount you are eating.
    3.) Invest in a HRM or something you can track with a good bit of accuracy your exercise calories. Over assuming what you are burning and then eating the calories back can be very counterproductive. (Trust me... if i hop on an eliptical enter my heigh weight age and sex it STILL is about 30-35% MORE than what my HRM tells me)
    4.) I assume you have your goal set to "lose 2 pounds per week' no? Change this. You only have 20 pounds to lose... expecting to lose 2 pounds per week is not reasonable unless you are OBESE. I'd switch this to 1 or 1/2 pound per week.
    5.) Incorporate strength training into your routine. Heavy resistance training is what makes you LOOK good WITHOUT clothes on. You don't want to get to 125 and still feel and look flabby in a bikini.

    You can definitely do it if you stay consistent and honest. But don't expect results over night... in two weeks... hell maybe not in 2-3 months. It takes time. :)
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Have you begun a new exercise program recently? It's normal for your muscles retain water as part of the recovery process, which can mask fat loss in the short term. You may lose inches before you lose pounds.
  • victay3
    victay3 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you guys for taking a look and giving me some guidance I have alot of work to get this right I almost feel as if I need a daily menu or something. This weight loss thing is definitely much harder than it seems I had always been told loosing weight was as simple as taking in fewer calories and working out more. But I am definitely seeing it's not that simple and I think I am getting confused and overwhelmed. But I am not going to give up :0)
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Throw away the scale, or just weigh less. The scale is not your friend. I lost 2 pounds but three inches in my waist. I rather lose the inches personally.
  • victay3
    victay3 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you akaMrsmojo I do agree with you and I know it has been only two weeks since I have got serious but I am not seeing anything yet inches or weight loss. But as long as I do not give up I know I will see a change. I just was hoping I would see it sooner than later LOL I am a women aren't we all a little impatient at times LOL :0)
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    first off, your profile pic looks amazing!

    Secondly, what sort of excercise do you do? I notice you have every day some excercise noted; 500-600 kcal and above? Are you sure you're tracking the excercise calories correctly? I ask because when I was first starting out I had the tendency to eat more food than I actually trained away. not smart... Also, I'd suggest you take a few rest days per week. If your muscles are hurting, that means that 1) you've done your excercise (yay!) and 2) they're holding on to water and therefore your weight is not changing or you may even gain a little (boo!)

    I also noticed that while your protein intake is good, even a bit high, your fiber is quite low. you can balance it out with some veggies and fruit such as beans or kiwis.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Many people don't think about the little devils lurking in the corners of our diets. Maybe you should experiment. Maybe try eliminating any thing with HFCS first. Second, any thing with wheat. So pretty much any flour based food. This does not exactly mean to eliminate carbs, but wheat and other grains specifically. (corn, rye, oats, bran, oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits) Just to see if your body changes when you do. Maybe also look at your sodium. Water weight is very sneaky. I personally, decided to try out a week of as little processed food as possible. I did not go 100%, but more like 90% whole food only. In that time my body shed a few pounds, I slimmed down noticeably, and I was not hungry because with whole food, you can eat so much more. I am a compulsive binge eater, and for me to go almost a whole week on whole food, (I am not quite to 7 days yet) and not binge for 4 days, is huge. It is worth it to do some detective work. Also, if you have a doctors appointment anytime soon, have your vitamin D levels checked. Trust me on this one. I was deficient at one time. The effects were terrible.
  • victay3
    victay3 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you yksdoris you are to kind but that pic is from 2009 LOL I guess I should update my photo :0) also I did not realize that my protein powder did not have any fiber. And the Info on sore muscles really helps because mine are Can you not see my workouts on the diary as well if not here is what I do A friend and I have just started Phase 1 of Jillian Michale's total body Revolution we do that Mon-fri along with that I do 30 mins on treadmill at 4.0 mph. then do 3sets of 12 bench press with 70lb weight and 3 sets of 12 leg press with 70lb weights and 11sets of 25 of different type crunches for a total of an hour and half work out Mon-Fri. and on Sat and Sun I just do treadmill. So I know I have the workout part down if anything it might be to much that is why I was wondering about my food intake but you all are making alot of sense about my muscles holding water :0)
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Thank you akaMrsmojo I do agree with you and I know it has been only two weeks since I have got serious but I am not seeing anything yet inches or weight loss. But as long as I do not give up I know I will see a change. I just was hoping I would see it sooner than later LOL I am a women aren't we all a little impatient at times LOL :0)

    Amen to that. I want results yesterday. But I have done it for 2 years, I know it is just not like that. I lost everything and was great until we went through buying a house. Put 15 back on. It is just so easy to put it on and such a fight to get it off.

    Don't give up, it really works.
  • luvsyoga
    luvsyoga Posts: 90 Member
    Hey, I'm 43, 5' 0 , I started at 144, goal around 120ish. It takes me longer than what this site says it will for me. Be patient, it takes time!!
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    For what its worth, my girlfriend has similar goals to you and was discouraged when there was no change after the first month. She kept at it and has lost about 10lb total I think now. Keep at it, you will see results and like someone else said focus more on protein carbs and fats and less on sodium tracking.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Here are my thoughts, just to compare with you.... I am 46, 5'4" , weigh 145 with a goal of 130. I am losing the weight and have lots of room for improvement in what I eat but I am definitely trying. You could eat more veggies and perhaps fruits too....I don't track sugar, I think it is pointless since it also includes sugar in fruit.... increase your fiber (whole grains, oatmeal and many veggies will help in this area)....I don't track fat as it really isn't an issue for me, yes, eating less fat is better but I find that easy to do naturally....sodium is a killer for me....I noticed some of your foods you add have a calorie value but no nutrition value.... and those foods I noticed definitely have sodium and other things.... your sodium is at good levels but I think if you use labels from the foods that don't show nutrients, you will be surprised at the amount of sodium. It also doesn't look like you drink enough water...I aim for 8 glasses a day and personally I only include water in that total, no other liquid (although there are lots of debates on this).
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Thank you akaMrsmojo I do agree with you and I know it has been only two weeks since I have got serious but I am not seeing anything yet inches or weight loss. But as long as I do not give up I know I will see a change. I just was hoping I would see it sooner than later LOL I am a women aren't we all a little impatient at times LOL :0)

    Amen to that. I want results yesterday. But I have done it for 2 years, I know it is just not like that. I lost everything and was great until we went through buying a house. Put 15 back on. It is just so easy to put it on and such a fight to get it off.

    Don't give up, it really works.


    When I first started I wanted it all done yesterday. Plugging away, and I'm really almost getting there. And now it seems short and like this lifestyle thing will be easy to do forever.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    wow, your excercise regime sounds really impressive! you're def. not underestimating your calories, lol.

    Aside from the rest day I suggested I thought of another thing you might try to have a feeling of progress. Try measuring more than the standard chest-waist-hips. Everybody loses inches at different rates, so it could be that you're losing the inches, just not where you think you should be losing them. I have been doing a pretty well-rounded programme (varying excercises for core, arms and legs, adding weights gradually, but the basic focus hasn't been on any one group, really) but first I lost all of the weight frommy face, then my waist and only last did my hips and thighs start slimming down. I haven't lost anything on the waist for months now but my hips, thighs and calves keep getting slimmer.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Just wanted to chime in since I'm short also (5'2"), have been on here for 2 weeks also, & haven't had the scale move at all. I eat pretty healthy & balanced & about 1,200/cals. However after tracking for about a week I decided to up my protein about 10% (& I'm mostly vegetarian) & noticed a difference in my hunger - I was fuller longer. Sometimes little bitty tweaks can make a difference.
    Also even though the scale hadn't moved, I have noticed my tummy looks a little different. I don't have a measuring tape so I haven't measured, but I feel like there is some difference. I also started working out (except the past few days I haven't been feeling well) to Insanity & had been wondering why, like you, that even after just 2 weeks why was I not losing weight when everyone else seemed to have lost 2-4lbs already?
    But I'm going to echo most of what people have said - stick with it longer & see what happens, because even though I don't see a difference yet, I can feel it, & it seems like we have a lot of similarities.