30 Day Shred - Day 1 and in PAIN!



  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm on day 7 of level 2 and the thing that surprized me, is that on day 7 of level 1, I felt like it was taking FOREVER to get through, but now I'm making it such a part of my lifestyle to get the exercise in each day (haven't missed a day in all 17 days so far!) it's going so quickly!! I just took midway pics to compare and the changes are AMAZING!!! Big time noticing in my waist, on day 1, it was so bulging that there was no hourglass dip in my waist, and now after only 16 days, I can see the dip forming in my waist!! SO pumped, and can't wait to finish the 30 days, AND learn how to post pictures here! :)

    Keep it up!
  • deniseandjelich
    deniseandjelich Posts: 25 Member
    I'm on day 7 of level 2 and the thing that surprized me, is that on day 7 of level 1, I felt like it was taking FOREVER to get through, but now I'm making it such a part of my lifestyle to get the exercise in each day (haven't missed a day in all 17 days so far!) it's going so quickly!! I just took midway pics to compare and the changes are AMAZING!!! Big time noticing in my waist, on day 1, it was so bulging that there was no hourglass dip in my waist, and now after only 16 days, I can see the dip forming in my waist!! SO pumped, and can't wait to finish the 30 days, AND learn how to post pictures here! :)

    Keep it up!

    I would love amazing results, however i am not expecting them :) I just finished level 1 Day 4 last night. It was by far my easiest night. I can tell already that my muscles are getting stronger. I just took pictures last night as well, I know i probably should have done it in the beginning, but i figured day 4 is better then nothing :) Keep up the good work everyone!
  • deniseandjelich
    deniseandjelich Posts: 25 Member
    Hello everyone i hope you had a good weekend! i took the weekend off from the shred, however i did hike both Saturday and Sunday. I finished Day five level one Friday and i will begin Day 6 level one today! I don't remember if i told you some of the neighborhood ladies were coming over as well....my little group is growing, turns out i will have 7 ladies in my living room this evening. Kinda worried about space! How is everyone else doing?
  • monarchangel86
    monarchangel86 Posts: 24 Member
    Today is my third day with 30 DS but I will say eventhough I hurt I am super excited about today. Yesterday was hard but I pushed through and today I'm not as sore as yesterday. I am looking forward to seeing results!
  • deniseandjelich
    deniseandjelich Posts: 25 Member
    Today is my third day with 30 DS but I will say eventhough I hurt I am super excited about today. Yesterday was hard but I pushed through and today I'm not as sore as yesterday. I am looking forward to seeing results!

    Keep at it, i promise it gets better!! Day 4 was a whole lot easier. I would say that Day 3 was my hardest. I have found that my hamstrings are extremely tight, to the point that they are sending pain from my bottom down my leg. I have started incorporating hamstring stretches into my routine. This pain makes the jumping jacks hard. Go figure...
  • MirandaK62
    Thanks :)