Self-esteem and being natural

I'll start this out by saying, this is not ALL about weight. But I feel a big portion has to do with it. So, the beginning of the story goes like this...
I've always been self-conscious about my weight and my hair on my head has always been my hide away. I've always said "If I can't be thin, let my hair be long and pretty."
Well, I'm still chunky but now I have short, man hair. Which on me, doesn't look too hot AT ALL.
Basically, I got an at home perm that turned out just terrible. Then, I got braids and weave to cover it up. Which actually was pretty cute.
But then? I got all my hair chopped off. I mean, guy short. Which don't get me wrong, looks pretty hot on some girls but me? I cannot rock it.
Or at least not the man cut I got. I think I need a more feminine cut, but it's a little too late.
So, now my hair is chopped off, my long black beautiful hair is now short and poop brown. Best way to describe it.
Now, the body image is coming alive. More than ever. All I see is fat for the most part.
My face is more out there and noticeable now and the haircut doesn't fit me.
But basically. Let's get on to the "being natural" part.
It's going to be extremely difficult...
But if I get weave, it'll break my hair and ruin the new hair growth. If I dye my hair, hot iron my hair, curl my hair or anything... I'll never have pretty hair. So I have to grow out the bad due and be natural.
Confidence. It's extremely hard to find when you're natural unless you are absolutely stunning, which majority of people are but don't see it.
But I feel not only fat and sloppy, but manly now.
But this brought me to becoming natural. Of course I have a choice but I want to be naturally beautiful again oneday and so I must sacrafice now.
But while I go hair natural, I'm going to go food natural.

What are natural foods?
Have you ever went through that awkward hair crisis?
Have you ever felt your body just stood out more than ever because of a haircut or just anything else?
Are you a natural person?
Just tell me everything.


  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    :( I am sorry you feel that way.

    I can relate though.... I hate short hair on myself too and my hair is very difficult to grow out. I have a long face as well and short hair just doesn't suit me. At all. My extra weight makes it worse for sure. Unfortunately my hair breaks easily and is really thin ever since I've had children. I find eating a healthier diet helps. I only buy salon brand hair products as well. the meantime, if and when my hair finally decides to grow out naturally, I wear hair extensions. I know its not natural, but I feel better with them in having long dark hair rather than short hair.
  • KayesMommi
    KayesMommi Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I definitely understand everything you're going thru. I have had the short natural hair (that I cut intentionally) then when I cut it, it wasn't as liberating as I thought it would be mainly bc i had that full face. but I eventually grew to love my hair eventhough i hated how overweight i was (and still am). I am no longer natural, I relaxed my hair, and now...I HATE MY PERMED HAIR!! :explode: :explode: so my goal is to lose the weight so when I go natural again I will be more confident than ever. I will cut it off in 3 months...

    I am also trying to incorporate more organic and raw food into my family's lifestyle thru juicing and just having healthy snacks around. I don't know as much as I'd like to know about preparing the food w/o overcooking it but I'll just have to figure that out along the way.
    As for your hair, youtube has a great community of women and you can get tips on how to maintain your hair, hair growth, and styles. Biotin is a GREAT vitamin for hair growth. You can get it at any pharmacy, grocery store, or WalMart. I take it twice a day and my hair grows so fast w/ it. Dont spend a fortune on hair vitamins.

    Good luck on your natural hair journey and your weight loss journey!