What keeps you going?

Hi there, I'm quite new into my weight loss journey, and 3 weeks is usually where I give up (which is now) and think I'll never do this. How do you keep on keeping on going? I have started eating better, started doing 30 day shred and also signed up for some Zumba classes. I know I'm going in the right direction but it still feels like such a long way to go......


  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Hi! For me, I need to set a goal....for example my brother's wedding. I too tend to do this in cycles. Get all gungho, then drop off when the going gets tough. Also, my MFP buddies are AWESOME!! Surround yourself with great friends on here and they will take you far. You will LOVE zumba. It is sooo much fun! Warning though, with the 30 DS and Zumba, don't measure your success with the scale. I tell everyone this, but in my Zumba class I was whining about not losing any weight and the woman in there told me she had only lost 2 pounds, but dropped two dress sizes. Take your measurements, it will keep you going with the scale betrays you. Good luck!!!! You got this!
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    First of all, WELCOME TO MFP! :)

    It's really easy to slip back into old habits. For example, I'm a recovering binge eater. There is always going to be temptation and there will always be a bad day. The difference between finishing your goal, and having to start over again, is not quitting the first time. The better you do today, the easier tomorrow will be for you. Planning is my biggest key to succeeding with a weightloss goal. I plan every meal every morning. I spend a half hour each day in the AM preparing 5 - 6 meals and I take them with me to work. That way all the guess work is gone! Feel free to friend me, I also have a FB page that I post pictures, tips, etc on.


    Keep on keeping on! :) Best of luck.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I can't stand people that complain about themselves yet do nothing about it.......I will not be one of them!!!
  • denisek80
    denisek80 Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks for the advice - it's difficult not to get too tied up in the numbers but you're right the main thing that matters is your shape changing and improving all round fitness and health. You're right I can do this :)
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Personally what keeps me going is (a) how much better I feel after losing 17lbs; (b) the thought of how much better I will feel after another 17lbs; (c) buying clothes a size smaller; (d) feeling how much easier it is to climb stairs, bend, tie my shoes, get up off the floor, exercise for 20 minutes, than when i started; AND (e) terror and fear at the thought of going to the beach this summer!

    Just a suggestion but how about trying to work out WHY you feel like giving up after three weeks.

    Is it too overwhelming? Might mean you're trying to change too much at once.
    Does it feel unsustainable, like you can't keep up the lifestyle and diet changes you've chosen? Maybe you're going too far in the other direction, and need to find a happy medium.
    Is it because you don't see progress on the scale? Got to learn to be patient, and perhaps weigh less often. Also, take pictures. Also, measure yourself.
    Is it because you've got too much to lose and any small loss feels like a drop in the bucket? Perhaps change your goals to 10lb increments, and concentrate on just achieving that. Then set yourself a new goal.
  • denisek80
    denisek80 Posts: 82 Member
    I definitely don't want to give up - I just want to know what keeps you going, but I think mainly it's because it feels like I have such a long journey ahead of me still to go, but I just have to be patient and maybe set smaller goals like 5-10lbs at a time. I keep having to remind myself that I didn't get fat overnight so I won't wake up skinny overnight either.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    set mini-goals for yourself to meet instead of looking at the "big" number you set for your weight loss goal
    this may help you not lose focus & will keep motivating you ;)

    You have a good attutide ....you'll get there....one day at a time
    Good luck!!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    you got this!
  • denisek80
    denisek80 Posts: 82 Member
    thanks for the support :)
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    The main thing that has helped me continue is not committing myself to anything that I know I will not do long-term.
    There is zero chance of me eating low-carb for the rest of my life, so I don't do that. I avoided cutting out any foods from what I'll eat, and simply rely on monitoring my calories/macros.

    I don't force myself to hit the gym every single day, but I do work out whenever I get the opportunity to. I don't weigh myself often and I barely even focus so much on the weight loss because the other changes that I have made just feel normal. I don't feel as though I'm fighting to lose weight, it's just a positive side effect of the changes I have made.

    If I lose weight, I'm happy. If not, that's cool too. I know that the changes I've made have more benefit than just a number on the scale so it doesn't matter. Regardless of what you're losing/not losing, push forward anyway. The results you're wanting will be right around the corner as long as you know you're on the right track.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    don't think of the end result being the only goal. you will have plenty of reasons throughout to be proud of your accomplishments. When I first started 90 pounds to lose seemed impossible to me. now, it's no longer about the weight. it's about smaller sizes, how many push up can i do, i can run with my daughter ....so much more. you will get there too. when you see how much better life can be with a healthy diet and regular workout, things wont seem so far out of reach. I hope that makes sense.

    but what kept me motivated (until i got to that point) was knowing I didn't want to start over anymore. I wanted to make the change.
  • fattyfoodie
    fattyfoodie Posts: 232 Member
    My main motivation is my children. I don't want to be a sideline mom- I want to be out there, chasing them around, riding our bikes, swimming, and playing soccer.
  • bethnelms
    Sound like you are doing great so far, I know it is hard. From January to August last year, I exercised 4 days a week for 2 hours a day. In September I started back to School and started a part time job. I have gained 40 pounds. It is amazing that how much those work out were doing. Me mental statues was not good all semester, barely passed all my classes. I signed up for a weight loss class and yoga. I know I am getting at least 60 minutes of exercise 4 days a week and started back on a diet. I have lose 3 pounds allready. Still going to school and working part time. My mind is start to clear up a little. I believe exerice is good for the body and mind. I hope you stick with it and if you ever need to tallk you can call my cell phone at 817-713-1001, or text me. just let me know you are the one that i email on myfitnesspal. Good luck!!! Just keep what your doing and dont give up...
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I certainly hope that it is a very long way, as I expect to make healthy choices the rest of my life!

    Set goals that have nothing to do with the scale, I have a fitness goal, a nutrition goal and a longevity goal - I will get a reward just for keeping up this lifestyle, no matter what the scale says!

    Sure, I look forward to not carrying around this beach ball on my gut, and it will be so much easier to do a lot of things if the weight comes off, but that isn't what keeps me committed.
  • jojo1410
    jojo1410 Posts: 151
    Keep questioning your plans, keep amending your targets, look at your food diary and make small changes regularly, change your exercise routine regularly to avoid burnout and boredom, and above all, be patient!
    If you use all the tools and support here on mfp and stay focussed, in a couple months you'll see big changes and so will friends and family. Compliments really help to keep you motivated, so welcome them when you get them. Have a goal, maybe get into a certain outfit. When you can get into that outfit, change your goal for a size down...!
    Good luck!