Will junk food cause a weight gain even with exercise?

Hi all,

I know this isn't healthy and as you can see from my diary it is not something I do a lot of, but for the last 2 days I have walked approximately 9 miles each day in the snow (pulling my 4 year old niece constantly on a sledge for around 3.5 miles of this each day). Halfway through our walk we have been to a supermarket cafe where you can see I had a rather unhealthy lunch (burger, chips and apple pie and custard on sunday, and toad in the hole and apple pie and custard today). I have also done 30DS yesterday and will be doing it again tonight. Last night I had porridge for dinner as lunch filled me up and I will be doing the same tonight. Even if I assume MFP has over estimated my calorie burn, and take it that I burned about half of what it says I will still be under my calorie allowance. I know this is not good food to eat and I wont be making a habit of it, but will it still cause me to put on weight? I know its calories in = calories out, but will the fat content of the food cause me to put on weight?

I hope that all make sense - I'm a bit confused! Any advice or opinions would be appreciated.


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Fat content doesn't matter. Burn more calories than you eat and you will not gain weight. Enjoy that occasional burger guilt free!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    No it should not. It may play funny things with water weight for a day or two, but that is it.

    Fat content does not matter. Fat is vital to your nervous system (you actual die without it), and also vital for hormone creation and regulation. It is also needed to absorb half the vitamins you need (fat soluble vitamins).

    Only issue with junk food is it tends to be pretty low on nutrition while high in calories. So, the other food you have that day will need to be as opposite as you can get it.
  • swingsintherain
    swingsintherain Posts: 121 Member
    Don't worry, it won't make you gain weight. It won't make you any healthier, though (and a large amount of junk food on a regular basis, even if under calories, isn't good for your heath, but won't make you gain).
  • the problem with higher fat foods, such as a burger and fries is the fact that a lot of the time people don't actually know how many calories are being consumed. You're definitely right with calories in = calories out but there are good and bad calories, high fat foods can cause more fat because, unlike fruits and vegetables, when consumed the food is digested very quickly and almost immediately turned into sugar that your body needs to burn, and most of the time we don't burn the calories!
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks all for the replies. I know it's not healthy and it is something I wouldnt normally do...just trudging through snow I wanted something comforting and warming! The calorie content for each item was listed on the menu so I shouldn't be underestimating how much I am eating, and like I said, even if I half the mfp number for the calories burnt I can still be under my daily allowance so I hope that will balance me out. I won't be making a habit of it and will have porridge or just toast for dinner as I am so full right now I doubt I will want much more. Tomorrow I will make it to the supermarket and ensure I stock up on fruit and veg for the week to get the healthy me back on track!
  • However you could show a temporary gain if the sodium is super high and you retain water.