help... advice

So i started the couch25k program today thinking that by june i might be ready to do a 5k. i know that seems kind of soon for a beginner, but i have determination backing me. my question is and i hope that someone can help me... is... when it says to jog for 2 min and then back to walk, is 4.5-4.7 mph considered a jog? help me please... i would really like to be prepared for a half marathon by november... what do you think?

please help me MFP family


  • crazyassmomma
    i think that depends on you. i would personally be jogging at that rate. taller people take longer strides, so they can walk faster before they have to jog.
    thats just my opinion tho....

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!
  • duckfan06
    duckfan06 Posts: 20
    I would say 4.7 -5.2 would go a good starting out point for jogging. It all depends on your fitness level. I currently am running for an hour at 5.9 but I started around 5.2. Good luck with that; A half marathon is no joke especially when you are going to jog/run it.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I currently walk at 3.5 and jog/run at 5.5.

    There are a couple of C25K threads on this site. You may want to post the question there.
  • AlyssaC2010
    AlyssaC2010 Posts: 100
    To me (& my orthopaedic dr) a jog is light running where the impact isn't very much...for me it's more comfortable at like a 4.2-4.4. But I have to agree with what someone else said that it depends on you and your strides & stuff.
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    I'm 5'3" ish and for me that is just on the verge of a slow jog. But, I run several miles a week (usually around 3 at a time) and I know that when I first started "running", I was actually jogging slower than I could walk! I struggle with definitions what is "race pace", etc. but it really does depend on you. Just listen to your body, feel how hard you are breathing, and make a judgment from there. It may seem daunting - I know there is sooo much information out there...but it really is all about your personal experience. So if you feel that 4.5 is jogging then it is. If you feel like 5.5 is jogging then go for it! :)

    Good luck...I'd love to hear more about your training! I am going for a 5k in about 3 weeks (my first race) and hoping to find a 10k in the fall.