The journey is easier with a nutshell!

Last year I was on this site daily, and met a lot of cool people...many of which are no longer here :( One thing I found out was that logging in on this site is soooo much easier when I know and follow up with my MFP friends. is my chance to get a bit more personal....and feel free to do so also...(Name, age, location, profession, favorite things, and beginning/current/goal weights... and anything else you'd like to add in a nutshell).

Feel free to friend me and post your own nutshell below :)

28 years old.
NW Wisconsin
Casino Digital Media Marketing Coordinator

Thanks much :)


  • fowlmeli1093
    Anyone? lol
  • mstclair03
    mstclair03 in a nutshell!:

    Name: Madison
    Age: 24 (until Wednesday, anyway)
    Location: Hades, er, Arizona
    Profession: Hospitality
    Favorite things: Travel, rock climbing, food, crochet
    Beginning/current/goal weights: 180, 171, 150
    Anything else: I have a Bearded Dragon named Fuego. He's the coolest
  • Sunarian
    Sunarian Posts: 18 Member
    Name: Aleesha
    Age: 35
    Location: Central WI
    Profession: HR/Exec Asst
    Fav: Adventure, learning, feeling strong & accomplished
    Other: Sometimes I have an overwhelming urge to hug strangers :smile:
  • elliev30
    elliev30 Posts: 20 Member
    Name: Elaine
    Live in: Buffalo New York (and YES.. it is snowing)
    Occupation: Director of Religious Education
    Start weight was 178.. current weight 168.. shooting for 145
    single currently....Mom of 3 grown kids... and over 50 (ugh)

    Love reading, tennis and biking (in the summer of course)
  • plzlbsbegone
    Age: 28
    Location: Western Wisconsin
    Height: 5'9"
    CW: 209
    GW: 150
    Profession: Art Teacher
    Things I love: DIY's on Pinterest!, Painting, Reading, being Outdoors!

    Go Pack!
  • BrittKnee_Rae
    BrittKnee_Rae Posts: 111 Member
    Name: Brittany
    Age: 24
    Location: Lafayette, Louisiana
    Profession: Human Resources
    I love: Cooking/Creating, Pinterest, Sunsets, Chocolate :)
    Beginning/current/goal weights: 250/170/150
  • bonkers1224
    bonkers1224 Posts: 80 Member
    Name: Barb
    Location: Littleton, Co from Green Bay Wisconsin
    Age: 52
    Kids: Paul 30, daughter in law Christina, 1 grandchild and one on the way! Brian 28~ twins David and Carly 14, 1 dog 1 crazy cat
    Enjoy: Reading,walking, biking and hanging out with my pals:)
    Work: In the school district
    Trying to shake off 40 lbs
    Been in weight watchers forever and never budged~joined MFP 16 days into this and I like it. I need to stop weighing myself everyday it's making me crazy!!! Up and down.