Jillian 30 Day Shred


Please let me know if you are familiar with Jillian 30 Day Shred, and your thoughts on it. If you have tried it, please share any helpful hints/tips that you may have.



  • PoppyPea
    PoppyPea Posts: 28 Member

    Just finished Level 2 of the Shred for the first time (5 minutes ago to be precise - still shaky!).

    I completed Level 1 of the shred 8 times and felt ready to move on to Level 2 - have taken a few rest days (2-3 days rest out of 7) as 6 continuous days of Jillian is a bit extreme for me! The DVD will probably be the 45 Day Shred for yours truly!

    Thoughts? I love it! There's a big improvement in my strength and stamina, and my jeans are a bit looser (didn't weigh or measure myself at the start, so can't be more precise I'm afraid).

    As for tips and hints, follow the girl on the right side of the screen! She's a lifesaver as she does the modified moves. Other than that, just give as close to 100% as you can throughout - it really does make a difference to your shape.

    The DVD was really reasonably priced (£4 in the UK) and it's the best I've done for a while.

    Hope that helps :)
  • mommiejohnsonof6
    mommiejohnsonof6 Posts: 217 Member
    yes i love it Im on day 4 level 2 it really works have not lost a lot as far as pounds but they tell me you lose mostly inches and i have lost 7 inches already and Im on day 14 its three levels you do level 1 for 10 days and so forth with all three levels.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    I am such a wimp. I did one day of it and haven't touched it since. I know it gets easier the more you do it, but I just honestly do not enjoy exercise. It's my biggest hurdle in weight loss. It's BORING. I've done all kinds of different programs--yoga, aerobic dance, videos ad nauseum, walking, elliptical, circuit, gym... you name it! The Shred was seriously intense for someone who isn't already active. Going from being fairly sedentary to doing all that she does, nonstop, is painful. But it's probably worth it. Maybe I'll break it out again one of these days when I've built up some stamina. LOL
  • TCamp72
    TCamp72 Posts: 4 Member
    When I get home today, I'll be doing day 10 of the 30 Day Shred. I'm on level 1, and I very well may be on level 1 at the end of the 30 days. That's fine by me. :-) I weighed and measured myself at the beginning. I'm down 8lbs. so far. Tonight, I do the measurements again (Day 10, day 20 and day 30 for me), so the proof will be in the tape there. I know I've lost inches and toned up, I just don't know by how much. I wear my HRM, and I burn on average about 115 calories per 28 minutes (warm-up and cool-down included). That's not a whole lot as far as calories go, but the workout is INTENSE!!! I do modified push-ups (I use a table, and stay off of my knees), so I"m at a 45* angle to the floor. And for the jumping jacks, I had to back off and I run in place while I do the regular arms. I was getting twinges in my right knee-cap from the full on jumping jacks. I don't want to hurt myself, as that would be counter-productive. But I stay active through the whole video, and Jillian kicks my butt. I know my form is better than when I started, and I can get through all of the exercises now. I've got about 85 more lbs to go. But I'm on my way. And if I break it down like this... 30 day Shred Level 1, a week of something different, 30 Day Shred Level 2, a week of something different, and 30 Day Shred Level 3. I imagine that will get me pretty far along on my journey. I'm also actively watching what I eat, and walking too.
  • iheartpolkadots
    When I get home today, I'll be doing day 10 of the 30 Day Shred. I'm on level 1, and I very well may be on level 1 at the end of the 30 days. That's fine by me. :-) I weighed and measured myself at the beginning. I'm down 8lbs. so far. Tonight, I do the measurements again (Day 10, day 20 and day 30 for me), so the proof will be in the tape there. I know I've lost inches and toned up, I just don't know by how much. I wear my HRM, and I burn on average about 115 calories per 28 minutes (warm-up and cool-down included). That's not a whole lot as far as calories go, but the workout is INTENSE!!! I do modified push-ups (I use a table, and stay off of my knees), so I"m at a 45* angle to the floor. And for the jumping jacks, I had to back off and I run in place while I do the regular arms. I was getting twinges in my right knee-cap from the full on jumping jacks. I don't want to hurt myself, as that would be counter-productive. But I stay active through the whole video, and Jillian kicks my butt. I know my form is better than when I started, and I can get through all of the exercises now. I've got about 85 more lbs to go. But I'm on my way. And if I break it down like this... 30 day Shred Level 1, a week of something different, 30 Day Shred Level 2, a week of something different, and 30 Day Shred Level 3. I imagine that will get me pretty far along on my journey. I'm also actively watching what I eat, and walking too.

    i'm 5'5 and 170 pounds and my heart rate monitor says i burned well over 300, which seems more accurate that 100, perhaps its time for a new heart rate monitor, or put it in fitness under "circuit training" to get more accurate calorie counts
  • tva9144
    I just ordered the DVD and can't wait to get started! I am 26, 164lbs 5'9', law student ready to lose 20lbs! Add me as a friend and we can motivate one another! Newbie to the site :)
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I just ordered the DVD and can't wait to get started!

    If you really can't wait, do it on Youtube :wink: I'm doing it currently. I've done it once before and it works. My tummy went down (not even Insanity - got the t-shirt - could touch my tummy) :smile:
  • tva9144
    :smile: thank you i just found it on youtube
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    I completed day 5 of level 1 today, I have quite big quads and they are screaming at me after 5 days of it, I struggle to walk down the stairs lol!! But I feel great, don't know if my quads can take much more but I'll keep going :)
  • lunarescape
    lunarescape Posts: 51 Member
    I did it for my initial weight loss. It helped me start using weights (the baby weights.) After I built strength/endurance I switched to actual lifting. It's a great workout for beginners and gets you on the road to bigger and better things.
  • mrsna
    mrsna Posts: 195 Member
    I have done 30DS, Ripped in 30, Shred it with Weights, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, and one other JM DVD that I can't think of right now. They are all AWESOME! I will be doing them over and over!
  • LoriIone
    LoriIone Posts: 88 Member
    I'm on level 1 of 30 shred. I've done it 3 times. I am 230 pounds, and 5'7. It is doable and a challage! I am trying to stick with it, but it's hard because she sure workd ya hard! I feel like I will be on lever one for more than 10 days...but I don't care.