Diabetes, Weight Loss and Ketones

jbalistriere Posts: 300 Member
edited January 10 in Health and Weight Loss

I'm a little lost and am hoping for guidance. As a diabetic, I was always taught that ketones are bad. I believe because it means your body is breaking down fat instead of sugar. However, I also know that weight loss can also cause ketones. So, when do you worry? Prime example, my ketones are moderate right now.... I've been doing okay as far as calories (only slightly cheating lately but I'm human :)) so it could be weight loss and I have a nasty cold that has completely knocked me on my butt. So, are the ketones a victory or concern? If you've been in this position, or, have any insight, I'd gladly take it.

My diary is open and I was struggling for a few days in the beginning of the week when this monster of a cold first started but think I found a little bit of balance now.

Also, as of this post, my ketones are moderate, I haven't eaten breakfast nor taken any insulin but did have juice to combat a low a few hours ago and currently have a blood sugar of 97.


  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    You really need to talk to your doctor about this, not internet strangers. We don't know anything about your diabetes.
  • jbalistriere
    jbalistriere Posts: 300 Member
    I am meeting with my doctor. I was reaching out to anyone who may have been through the same thing... which, I thought was the point to these forums..... To be there for each other, support either other and provide feedback on similiar situations. Obviously, I am not going to take advice from strangers and not consult my doctor but I did want to talk to someone who may have been there. Thanks for the message!
  • awesomest4
    awesomest4 Posts: 6 Member
    My first thought was that maybe the cold is causing your ketones. That tends to happen to me when I get sick. However, if you've been controlling your sugars, then obviously that wouldn't be it. Have you been cutting carbs lately? When people diet, they typically cut carbs and sugars and build up ketones because their bodies have nothing else to break down. This could be what is happening to you. Ketones can be awesome and scary all at the same time. They break down fat so quickly, yet for diabetics, they could result in DKA and nobody wants that.

    So I guess what I'm trying to say is that, in my opinion, they are a concern. Once you develop ketones, you have put yourself into a never-ending cycle of their build up. The best way to get rid of them is by eating some carbs (and taking the insulin!) so your body has something to break down. Then drink LOTS and LOTS of water. No caffeine.

    It might not be what you wanted to hear, but it may have. I don't know haha. But you need to get rid of those ketones before they destroy your body because recovery causes bloating which will make you feel as if you're at square one again in your weight loss journey.

    Talk to your doctor or endo or whoever you go to about it. They can provide a lot more information. And keep an eye out for any symptoms of DKA.
  • jbalistriere
    jbalistriere Posts: 300 Member
    Thanks! Yeah, I'm increasing my water intake and just kinda watching it. I don't really have any symptoms other than the actual ketones so, while I think it's probably fine, it also goes against everything I remember being taught in the beginning (a million years ago!).

    I meet with my doctor in a couple weeks and through the beauty of MFP, I can get her my insulin and food intake and blood sugars easily. I just get confused cause we hear "ketones, watch out!" but then it's "oh, ketones are good (with weight loss)" so I just needed a little feedback from folks who may have been there, too. I really appreciate your insight! Have a great day! :)
  • kit2783
    kit2783 Posts: 12 Member
    My endo has told me that ketones are common when eating a lower carb, higher protein diet. It's how diets like Atkins work - they want you to burn fat instead of sugars. When I first started losing weight I had a few ketones at the doctor's office during my check up. He wasn't overly concerned, but still made note.

    That being said, I think the frequency with which you're registering moderate ketones is something to bring to your doctor for sure. Good luck and stay healthy!
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