Lots of calories left for today,what do I do?

I just ate lunch. I have 1730 calories left for today,and my dinner is about 450 calories total,which means I am going to have about 1200 or so calories left over,under my goal. What should I do? Eat something extra? I dont really want to do that because I dont want to eat for the sake of eating. My hunger and appetite is way down. But I also know that if I take in way too few calories, my body might think I am starving and slow down my metabolism. What should I do? Most days, I wind up being 100-200 calories under my goal,but today,I am going to be way under. I am 6ft tall,weight 353 lbs,and am using the MFP recommendation of taking in 2430 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. (I really would be okay with losing 3 pounds a week,but MFP won't let me go that high) Any ideas or advice? Thanks


  • roxbox2013
    roxbox2013 Posts: 95 Member
    Don't eat if you're not hungry, but if you are, stick to something high in protein. And shoot, you'd even have room for a little treat if you really wanted.
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    Don't eat if you're not hungry, but if you are, stick to something high in protein. And shoot, you'd even have room for a little treat if you really wanted.

    Thanks, but no treats for me, that's what got me to where I am now. The good thing is,I am not craving anything snack wise,or treat wise.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I'd say it's a little earlier to be making a decision. If you just had lunch and haven't had dinner yet maybe you'll want an evening treat. See how the day continues. If by this evening you really aren't hungry then I wouldn't worry about it, if having this many calories left over isn't normal. One day won't make your body shut down your metabolism.
  • Since it's early in the day, you still have time to re think your dinner, either add something to it or think of something else that is more calorie dense. Snacks don't have to be off limits if you have healthy ones. Something like string cheese, or hummus and crackers or even some popcorn will help with calories.
  • khadijak17
    khadijak17 Posts: 393 Member
    what about banking them? maybe you'll want something extra during the week? you might have a day where you're extra hungry?
  • roxbox2013
    roxbox2013 Posts: 95 Member
    There are treats that aren't donuts and cake! Fruit is always a good treat! Shoot, I even consider things like pasta a treat.m
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    450 isn't a dinner, it's a large snack. I know it may seem counterproductive to eat more than you can get away with but your health and immunity will thank you for it and you'll keep your strength up for exercise.

    It's easy to under eat as a kind of punishment for the lifestyle you used to lead but you really don't need to go so low to lose well.
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    what about banking them? maybe you'll want something extra during the week? you might have a day where you're extra hungry?

    Can I do that? My goal everyday is to stay at 2430 or less. That's what I have been able to do so far,and I dont have any cravings or hunger issues
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Don't eat if you're not hungry, but if you are, stick to something high in protein. And shoot, you'd even have room for a little treat if you really wanted.

    Thanks, but no treats for me, that's what got me to where I am now. The good thing is,I am not craving anything snack wise,or treat wise.

    What got us here is not watching how much of the treat we had. You have a ton of calories available to you. Losing weight and getting healthier doesn't mean you have to ban things from your life that you enjoy. I haven't given up anything and I am consistantly losing weight. I believe one reason why so many people fail is because they think they have to stop eating some of the unhealthy things that got us here in the first place and then they are craving them so badly they binge and then quit. If you have enough calories available there isn't any reason why you shouldn't indulge with a beer, glass of wine or some type of sweet or whatever it is that trips your trigger. Don't think of this as "diet", you should be thinking of this as a lifestyle change and your life should include things you enjoy. It's a matter of lowering the amount of the unhealthy foods and increasing the amount of healthy foods. That's my take and what has worked for me. Good luck on your journey.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I'd rethink dinner - either add something to it or have larger (but still reasonable) portions.

    If you really don't have much appetite today, though, no reason to push it. I've been "not well" for the past couple of weeks and came in under my calorie count quite a few days. I don't think your metabolism is going to shut down over it. Just don't binge when your appetite rears it's greedy head.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I would go for something high calorie/good fats. Like some nuts, peanut butter (with apples/celery), avocado.... things like that. Even a small bowl of whole wheat pasta with some lean ground meat, low sugar sauce and some sauteed peppers/onions/other veggies. That'll shoot the calories up there
  • hlfunnell
    hlfunnell Posts: 17 Member
    I've been having this problem too lately! I started dieting on 1200 calories about a week ago. At the beginning I was very hungry and had to control my urge to eat and wait until my next meal. Now I am barely hungry. I sit down with a sandwich and only eat half. Last night I had 500 calories left over after a dinner which I did not feel like eating. I had to force myself to have a midnight snack to get those extra 500 cals in! I'm not feeling ill from not eating, but worried that it will be bad for my wieght loss (also unhealthy since I could have had a day where I only ate 700 cals).

    So I'm in the same boat - assuming as long as we don't feel like fainting it's okay? Perhaps it's psychological and for the first time I have realised I don't have to finish my meal if I'm not hungry!
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    what about banking them? maybe you'll want something extra during the week? you might have a day where you're extra hungry?

    THIS! If you're not hungry, don't force yourself but recuperating the deficit over the next few days is totally fine! If I have something similar, I use it as a treat at the weekend if I want a drink or two or a meal out with peeps :)
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    Can't speak for anybody but myself,but I feel as if I am a recovering drug addict,and food is the drug. I have to stay away from anything that is like a 'snack', 'treat'. I have to be ALL-IN, abd steer clear of any treats or snacks. My reward every day is knowing that I am under my calorie count,and when i weigh in, seeing the results on the scale
  • Dont worry about it!
    Like you said its not everyday that you have this many left over. If it were me I might bulk up my dinner a bit with some extra veg or something. My fiance often has cals left over at the end of the day and has a small bowl of cereal in the evening to keep him topped up til breakfast, I sometimes have a mug of warm milk and a snackajack in the evening if I have lots left. But like I said as long as your not left with that many calories spare at the end of every day I really wouldnt stress about it! :smile:
    Good Luck x
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    I've been having this problem too lately! I started dieting on 1200 calories about a week ago. At the beginning I was very hungry and had to control my urge to eat and wait until my next meal. Now I am barely hungry. I sit down with a sandwich and only eat half. Last night I had 500 calories left over after a dinner which I did not feel like eating. I had to force myself to have a midnight snack to get those extra 500 cals in! I'm not feeling ill from not eating, but worried that it will be bad for my wieght loss (also unhealthy since I could have had a day where I only ate 700 cals).

    So I'm in the same boat - assuming as long as we don't feel like fainting it's okay? Perhaps it's psychological and for the first time I have realised I don't have to finish my meal if I'm not hungry!

    Be careful, 1200 calories is pretty low,and should be a bare minimum assuming your weight is pretty low. If you cut 500 calories out of that,then your body might really think its starving. Maybe eat that midnight snack earlier in the day,but maybe for you,it doesnt matter,sounds like you are alreay at a pretty low weight. I try not to eat after 7pm,I feel like when I eat too late,it will just sit there on me all night.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    If you're really not hungry, don't eat. Being under once in a while won't hurt you, just don't make a routine of it.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Can't speak for anybody but myself,but I feel as if I am a recovering drug addict,and food is the drug. I have to stay away from anything that is like a 'snack', 'treat'. I have to be ALL-IN, abd steer clear of any treats or snacks. My reward every day is knowing that I am under my calorie count,and when i weigh in, seeing the results on the scale

    I'm not much of a snacker either but love knowing I've got a decent sized dinner to go home to :-)
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I just ate lunch. I have 1730 calories left for today,and my dinner is about 450 calories total,which means I am going to have about 1200 or so calories left over,under my goal. What should I do? Eat something extra? I dont really want to do that because I dont want to eat for the sake of eating. My hunger and appetite is way down. But I also know that if I take in way too few calories, my body might think I am starving and slow down my metabolism. What should I do? Most days, I wind up being 100-200 calories under my goal,but today,I am going to be way under. I am 6ft tall,weight 353 lbs,and am using the MFP recommendation of taking in 2430 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. (I really would be okay with losing 3 pounds a week,but MFP won't let me go that high) Any ideas or advice? Thanks

    it's not a huge deal to have days like that. especially at your weight. if you run that large a deficit day after day for weeks and weeks at a time, the consensus seems to be that you risk catabolizing muscle as well as fat. that's one of the reasons many will urge you to seek a more moderate deficit, even though you can burn 3 or 4 or 5 lbs per week with a higher caloric deficit.

    take the time to read about this tradeoff now. then decide. if you preserve muscle now and burn fat at a slower rate, you'll have less work to do when you reach your goal weight and need to add muscle. this is why lots of folks add strength training to their regimen long before they reach their goal weight... it's easier to preserve what you have, than have to re-build it from scratch.

    i've seen some of these effects myself and i started at a weight near yours, mostly only doing cardio.
  • I completely agree with you! Its a food addiction and you are not the only one who has it, I bet thousands of people on here will agree with you.
    I have dieted before and felt the same that I need to be 'all-in' and in complete control or I'll fail but I find using myfitnesspal.com gives me the control in a different way, by seeing what i've eaten has 'cost' me in calories means I can have a once-a-week chocolate bar without that feeling like 'oh damn I've been bad I may as well eat another' and completely falling off the wagon (which ive done...alot!)
    Sorry mad ramblings over lol!