Water Challenge

So at work they are starting a "Water Challenge" to begin the first of May. The challenge is to drink water (at least 60 oz per day) instead of drinking sodas and tea. At the end of the month all who has completed the challenge will receive a very nice water bottle. My only question is...Are they going to relocate my office to the bathroom? That is where I will be for the most part during this challenge. :blushing: I am up for the challenge because I love water and I need to give up soda completely. Let's not kid ourselves either....I want that nice water bottle!!!!


  • Always_lil_j
    LOL....thats a great challenge. Good luck.....I bet that nice water bottle will look amazing sitting on your desk
  • cbullock115
    cbullock115 Posts: 110
    Who doesn' t want a free nice water bottle? Those things can be expensive!! LOL, Good luck!!
  • nomuffintop
    LOL...I think thats a great plan :)
    I've started drinking more water...fluid ozs are different here in Ireland than in the US we use UK fluid oz..... I have no Idea what the difference is,but I know they are different :indifferent: , but usualy for fluids we use Ltrs and ml.... the recomendation here is 2Ltrs or 8 glasses of water a day. I use a 500ml bottle and refill it through out the day.
    I do have to time when I drink a bottle 'cause 20mins later I'll need to be near a bathroom :blushing: :blushing:
    I'm noticing a difference in my skin which is usualy very dry and is now glowing (in my modest opinion!)
  • pumpkinbran
    Congratulations on taking up the challenge!!! So many people, including people here on MFP, just don't drink enough water each day. Most people now days KNOW the benefits and the importance of staying well hydrated, yet they still choose soda, coffee, tea, juice or an energy drink over water. Some people complain they don't like water or that it just doesn't taste good (which I know is true in Phoenix - it's sort of um, hmm, uh sulfuric tasting). But one can buy bottled water and add a squeeze of lemon or lime or sliced cucumbers or crushed mint to it and it will be more palatable.

    Another excuse people use to not drink enough water is that they say they will be living in the bathroom. Well, yes, at first one will, but after a few weeks, one's body becomes use to the extra water and they aren't running to the bathroom all the time any more. When I decided to join MFP, I also decided I needed to increase my water consumption, as I had stopped drinking as much water as I once did. My goal now is to drink about 40 to 50 oz. of water by lunch time and at least another 20 oz. by supper time, then a few sips before bedtime. I usually have my first 20 -25 oz. (depending on which water bottle I'm using) gone by 9 a.m. as I try to drink it with my medicines. The first few weeks of the increased water, I was running to the bathroom frequently, but now I'm not running in there nearly as much as I was because my body has become accustomed to the amount of water. And, on the days I only drink two water bottles (about 40 to 50 oz., again depending on which water bottle I use), I actually feel very thirsty and start to get a headache. (Okay, I'll step down from my band wagon now. :smile: )

    So, again, congratulations on accepting the water challenge. Be the leader and set the example for your co-workers.

    P.S. Don't underestimate the power of a water bottle you really like; the water bottle can truly be the inspiration to cause one to drink more water.
  • lornainak
    lornainak Posts: 40 Member
    What a great challenge for those trying to get off of the soda habit... I've never been much of a soda drinker and a case of diet coke can easily last me 365 days... No, really it can and i even make it a point to order water when out in restaurants and such. I am up to 96 oz of water everyday or should I say 5 days a week. I can't seem to remember drinking water on the weekends, at least not 96 oz. I can do just a tad over 32 oz on Sat and Sun...

    Good luck, keep in mind drinking water is a great habit to have! And yes, you will certainly be in the restroom a lot more often than you care to be for the first few weeks... that is until your body gets use to it! To help me with the 96oz I only own 32oz bottles scattered around the house and at the office. I take one to the gym and use up one bottle by the end of my work out and at the office I drink another 2 bottles full. If I happen to work that night as well (@ part time job) I will drink a forth 32oz water bottle. I would say I get my share of water in me daily...
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    That's a great way to get people to drink more water. Maybe I should try that myself or at least here at home with my family. :smile:
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    I am glad to know that eventually my body will get used to it. I'm excited to receive the water bottle at the end of the challenge. I love anything free!!!!

    lornainak - I'm like you, I can never remember to drink enough water on the weekends. It is easy at work because it sits in front of me all day but on the weekends, I'm usually going all the time and find it cumbersome to carry a water bottle around with me. That will be another habit I will have to break.

    I will keep you updated on how the challenge goes. I start on Saturday!! Whoop Whoop!!!:drinker: